Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Strange Weather causing Constant Attacks…

when i was told i was a chronic sufferer and would have to continue to put up with daily attacks and with the help of medication i would be able to control them. So far i have been unsuccessful at finding the right medication for me as everything seems to make me very ill and the kind of medication required to control these attacks is extremely strong. So far the only things i can take are the injections and regular pain killers sometimes boosted with Pregabilin but even that causes me wind and bowel problems. My health has been on and downwards spiral ever since the first allergic reaction to the first medication. Now i am waiting to see my specialist but its coming up to 8 months since i saw him last and i need him to give me help through the rough times especially with this insane weather we have now and again.

One minuet the weather wants to be sunny and hot then suddenly its pouring and cold and then sudden changes back. I call this weather yoyo weather it plays hell with my head. Something to do with the high and low pressure changes and electrical charges in the air at this time seems to trigger my attacks. The worst time is when they come at 3 am in the morning and you wake up not even feeling tired to instant pain. I get days where i am scared to even sleep as i know i am going to wake up and face hell in the morning. I end up having naps through the day so i don't sleep so much during the early hours but all this does is tire me out and make me feel weak after doing it for weeks.

I then change my sleeping pattern to try and be awake during the early hours and sleep during the early day. If i could get into that habit it would be brilliant for carp fishing but for some reason my body doesn't let me. After a while it just gives in and i sleep until the next attack and the cycle begins again. I have more pains and aches in my body now days i feel like i have played a rugby match each morning i wake up its that bad. The attacks have taken their toll on the body and its paying the price. the left side of my back i get constant pain up in  a line and behind my shoulder all the time and this is from the actual attacks as it links to the neck and the nerve itself. The pains in the lower back come from a small lump i have at the side of my spine they say is a fatty lump and nothing can be done about it but i don't believe that. Surely they can get rid of it some how.

I get a lot of chest pains and aches in the muscles in the chest from my hernia and the amount of time i choke on drinking liquid or trying to eat is crazy but i manage. I have to keep taking Omeprazole as i get terrible acid otherwise and have even tried to stop taking them for 2 weeks to have tests done and couldn't manage 4 days. My attacks have just started to reduce thank god and touch wood , but that wont last i just know it. I have just got a memory foam layer to put on  my mattress to help with the back pains to see if its anything to do with my sleeping why they are playing up so bad. I hope it eases off soon or i am going to have to go see the doctor early again. I am even having trouble walking to the shop back and forth as the pain in the back always ends up worst and sets off my head attack when the pain reaches the neck. I am hoping to book another fishing trip again soon as my last one was cut short due to idiots setting fires around the lake. Fingers crossed it will be soon!