After suffering cluster attacks on a chronic level for years I though I had experienced every type of cluster attack and every possible level of pain they could bring with an attack. How wrong I am! Usually when an attack happened you get the usual pain behind the eye , above the jaw and over the top of the head into the neck. just lately these attacks have been aggravated by the sudden changes in weather we have been having and now a new style or type of attack has arisen. When you have the attack you still get the same unbelievable level of pain and agony but now you become frozen on the one side of the body.
I believe it actually the damaged nerve that is playing up and causing the weird and scary feeling of the left side of my body suddenly turning to ice. You become completely numb on the one side for several minuets after the full cluster attack eases off or the injection you take for it takes hold. I know the nerve was causing attacks and making them worst but now its seems like the nerve has joined in with the attacks. I am also getting some very strange side effects also down to the damaged nerves in the neck and the clusters. My eyesight has become a lot worst than ever before when having an attack and where things were still readable before now when I have an attack I cannot focus on any writing what so ever.
Its really strange this happening as at first I thought it was old age and down to the fact I would probably need glasses as I get older. the trouble is every time I go and have my eyes tested I go when I am feeling well and the clusters don't play up so I am able to see just fine and am told there isn't really anything wrong with my eyesight other than a slight bit of long sited-ness when trying to read really small print. It wouldn’t really surprise me if I did need glasses eventually after all the work I used to do sat in front of a computer screen but thankfully they are just fine and only cause problems when having attacks.
Like most other cluster headache sufferers the cold weather is one of the main triggers for my condition and winter is a real nightmare when it comes to trying to live a normal pain free life. I haven’t been able to get out much due to the attacks always being set off by cold wind blowing into my left eye and the cold weather getting to my lower back and damaged nerve in the neck. Now that the warmer weather is slowly starting to arrive I should see myself getting out a lot more than usual and soon will be on the bank fishing again. This year I am planning on getting out fishing at least once a week so I can get plenty of fresh air and exercise as this is the only thing that helps me manage the clusters. Lets hope all goes to plan.