I sometimes wonder just how much pain the human body can endure at any one time. Its not enough that I have to put up with the cluster attacks on a regular basis. Now, because of the damaged nerves in the left side of my neck, I am having to put up with daily pain up and down the left side of my back. The worst bit about this pain is that it resembles tooth ache but in your bones and down your side. This is the only way I can describe the constant annoying throbbing and ache. Its so annoying it can drive you insane and by the end of the day you just don’t know what to do as it just never seems to stop.
Ok some days are better than others as it does seem to flare up when cold or wet weather is around and you do get days where the ache is only a little one and you can put up with it but then come the days where you just want to dig a big hole and burry yourself as it just wont let up for 5 seconds. At least with the cluster attacks you know deep down inside the the attack will eventually stop and you will get a chance to recover. With the back pain I don’t think I can remember the last time I wasn’t experiencing some kind of agony in the back. It’s so easy to grab some painkillers and ease it off that way but my experiences with medication hasn’t been god so I am trying to manage the pain with the use of heat treatment, massage and stretching. If that fails then and only then will I reach for the pain relief.
The good new is the attacks have really dropped to an all time low and I am now getting a lot more Cluster Free days than ever before. I am a bit concerned that the cluster now seem to be set off from the pains up the back and in the neck. Its as though the nerve pain is aggravating the clusters and setting them off. I have found on my bad back days I end up having several cluster attacks. I am convinced if I can find some way of managing and easing the back pain and neck pain I can get the cluster attacks to decrease even more and possible return to being an episodic sufferer instead of a chronic.
Best bit of all is that I can get out and about again and am no longer shutting myself away from the world due to being in pain all the time. I have found that I can get out on the bank and go fishing with out being in too much pain so its full steam ahead this year. The last couple of years my fishing had to take a back seat whilst all the problems were being investigated and having to find the right treatment. Now things have settled I can now concentrate on getting back out and fishing again. Nothing better than spending your time out in the fresh air doing something that you love. I am just hoping the back and neck will behave itself tis year and that the treatment will do the trick and keep the beast at bay.