Once again i am left wondering why is it that every time i start feeling like i have the clusters under control and things are starting to improve something comes along to mess it all up. it really annoys me that i start to feel well and good in myself and then something else starts and i end up feeling ill or it aggravates the CH and i end up having loads of attacks again. This time its not the CH that's playing up but a nerve in my neck effecting my left arm and down my left side of my body. Its not only causing numbness but also pain to a level as high as a cluster attack. This is also travelling down the left side of my back and down my left leg. I know the nerves were going to cause problems but wasn't expecting anything like this to happen. Its driving me crazy.
Its not enough that the nerves are playing up but i also seem to have a stomach bug that is causing me a sickness feeling and loads of wind. I keep bloating up and then wind pushes up against my hiatus hernia causing discomfort and sometimes chest pains. Now when you put all symptoms you could swear someone was about to have a hear attack. Chest pains followed by numbness and pain in the left arm and shoulder, anyone would think i had angina. I went back and forth the hospital for most of last year having loads of tests for the same pains and symptoms and they said my heart was fine and no sign of angina so it must be nerves and muscle. Its strange that it has all started again the same time as last year. Its looking like it could be a seasonal thing.
I can't seem to stop myself panicking every time i get the chest pains and arm pains together. Panicking is making everything feel worst and no matter what i try and do to keep busy its still playing on my mind. My heart seems to be fine although a little fast due to the worry and stress so I am sure its nothing to be concerned about but i can't seem to stop it getting to me. I am booked in to see my doctor on Wednesday but if this continues for the rest of the day i will have to do an emergency appointment in the morning as i just cant go on like this as its driving me insane.
I am praying the is nothing to worry about and its just the weather getting to the nerves once again along with a stomach bug, this would explain why i feel so bad. I am being careful not to make myself feel worst and am doing everything i can at the moment. it's just so annoying as i was feeling great for the first couple of weeks at the start of the year and i though this year could be a good one and i finally get to grips with my health problems but its not turning out that way no matter how hard i try. Lets hope this stomach bug or what ever it is eases soon and things will again calm down. Thankfully the clusters are limited to early hours of the morning and late evening so most of the day i am attack free, at the moment. How long this will last for god only knows.