Wednesday, 8 May 2019

The occasional cluster attack but my spirits are good.

I sometimes dread having to sit down and write my online blog about the CH as it means i have to think about all the crap i have been through over the last month or so. I also think that i end up repeating myself over and over again when it comes to the illness. Although the attacks are low and at the moment staying away for longer periods than before, when i do get the attack's they come in bouts of several at a time and seem to be stronger than before. I have also found the attacks are now effecting the damaged nerves in the left side of my body. On top of all this i have been getting bad chest pains from both wind pushing up on the hiatus hernia but also from the damaged nerve in the neck. Put these symptoms together and its like a fake heart attack every couple of hours and believe me when i say it scares the life out of you even though you know what it is. 

I ended up back in hospital a few weeks back because of the chest pain and as soon as the saw the heart was fine off home you go even though you are still having the pain. Its not life threatening , go see the doctor. i can understand that but its the doctor that send you to hospital in the first place as they couldn't deal with it. Anyway, i ended up with a fungal infection in the mouth and throat again.oral thrush makes you feels so ill all the time and tastes disgusting. i have managed now to shift most of that but still getting the occasional chest pain and still having pain from the hernia. If it doesn't calm down by next Monday i will have to go doctors again just to make sure as i am hoping to get out and do some fishing Tuesday onward, the last thing i need is to fall ill when fishing. The fresh air will do me the world of good as being shut indoors all the time doesn't help especially with your mental health. 

Its seems to me i get the same problems at the same time every year. just before the fishing season starts in June i end up having to battle infections or illnesses just weeks before the fishing kicks off. I am sure the fungal infections are linked to the hernia and the weather. As it changes and warmer weather comes i always seem to get some kind of fungal infection from the hernia. It seems like the hernia messes up the chemical balances in the body and of course a lot more acid in the stomach as i get terrible re-flux all the time. Another thing that seems to happen as the warmer weather changes is the pain in the lower back and down my legs. When i start walking its like the energy and strength drains out of your legs as if you have just run a marathon and every step aches like hell. Well if it follows the usual patter its shouldn't last for long but i need to get it checked as its happening a lot more regular now and I haven't a clue what causes it.  

So other than fake heart attacks, chest pains, severe fatigue,  fungal infections and the occasional cluster attack my spirits are good and I am looking forwards to the new fishing season about to start. I am just praying i get these issues dealt with in time so i can enjoy some quality time on the bank this year and catch some stunning specimen fish.
Just take each day as it comes and deal with it.....