Its seems like every time i feel i am getting to grips with the problems CH brings I always end up getting knocked back down with something else happening with my health. This time the nerve in the left side of the neck has decided to play up and also my right shoulder. It feels like i have a frozen shoulder but with out the pain at the front and only on the top of the shoulder and the back are in pain. A constant ache like toothache is whats driving me insane at the moment and causing me sleepless nights. i have tried everything from gels to heat and cold treatment to try and ease the pain and the ache but it just doesn't seem to stop. The constant and endless ache is driving me mad.
I am grateful that the CH is being good at the moment and this year i have seen a big improvement in the decrease of attacks especially through the summer period. Using the Pregabalin as a pain killer rather than a constant treatment seems to help manage the condition a lot better and i find i can now deal with the occasional attack with just oxygen and no need for the injections unless i am out and about. If only it would stay like this but i know through experience as winter comes and the cold weather starts to return so will the cluster attacks. I am just going to make the most of the attack free days i am getting and hope that by managing the condition this way will mean a huge decrease in attacks through the winter. If it stays like this through the winter as well then i have cracked it.
The trouble with CH is it can come in bouts so the pain free period i am having could just be one of the cycles ends and i could get another cycle start at any time. I am hoping this isn't the case and that the current level of medication is enough to now continuously manage the condition with out having to suffer so many attacks. If this is the case then it will be a major breakthrough in my treatment and the future will start to look promising. For now all i can do is prepare for the worst and pray for the best and hope it continues along its current path. I just wish it was a similar story to the damaged nerves in the neck and back but unfortunately its not the case as they having been playing up something terrible this year.
I have been trying to ignore the pains and problems and continue to get out and go fishing but its been really hard especially when the pain level is so high from the nerve damage. I haven't managed to get out anywhere near as much as i planned but despite the problems i have still managed to have some good fishing trips. I am planning more next month and will try and make up for trips i have lost out on. I also have a competition i am entering on a local venue which should be great fun. I am just praying the nerves behave and don't give me too much pain.
There isn't really much more i can do about the nerve pain as i don't want to take strong pain killers as they just end up making you ill and feeling worst so for now i a using gentle exercise and heat treatment which seems to help a long with stretching the nerve to loosen it. I am also using an anti inflammatory gel to help with any swelling around the nerve and area of pain which seems to help and ease the level of the pain during the day.
Well for now things are good and I am managing my condition fairly well despite the sleepless nights due to the feeling of a frozen shoulder. Am just hoping this continues to slowly improve now and hopefully I can get it under control.