Wednesday, 3 March 2021

The Weather brings the pain again.

Once again I am woken at 2am by these crazy attacks. They really are annoying especially when you wake up, open your eyes and wonder what the hell?? You don't feel tiered you can't feel any pain and you don't need the toilet so you sit for a few seconds in a state of confusion and then suddenly, as if someone has walked in and shoved a spike right through your left eye, pain shoots out from the left eye and over the top of your head straight into your neck at the back. The cluster begins, now it a battle to keep my composure and concentrate on what needs to be done next. I make my way to the oxygen and get the mask whilst turning it on full blast. Reach for my injectjon and sit rocking in pain, head in hands with injection at ready praying the oxygen will be enough to abort the attack.

Usually the oxygen is enough and withing 10-15 minutes you feel the pain slowly ease and the pressure and sharpness in and behind the eye stops. There are occasions where the attack is so bad and the pain level is so high that the oxygen doesn't ease it so you have to take an imigran injection. This usually dies the trick but can leave you feeling drained and exhausted for a couple of hours after taking the medication. Then there are the ones that no matter what you try it doesn't help and you end up having to ride the pain for a couple of hours and at the end if it your begging for help or someone to put you out of your missery.

Cluster headaches, why they call them headache I don't know, it doesn't give the condition the recognition it rightly deserves. This condition destroys you. You can't think you can't talk to people, you can't even live your life when in full cluster. The pain levels can become so high I end up passing out and surely that isn't a good sign. I continue to battle on despite the constant attacks, I keep telling myself the pain will end, it will stop. Its hard to believe when your in so much agony.

It looks like the weather has brought them on bad again. When ever we start getting season changes I end up suffering attacks. I am convinced it has something to do with high pressure and low pressure weather but in what way I haven't a clue, it just seems its more than coincidental. 

The nerve down the back and now the bottom of the spine has also decided to join in. If it's not one thing it's another. It's getting so bad I am struggling to walk places as after a short period of time the pain in the bottom of the spine becomes so strong you have to take the weight off your legs. This along with burning shins and severe muscle pain makes it a real problem walking the shortest of distances. When the specialists told me it will get worst over time I wasn't expecting it to happen this quick. 

The neck causes the biggest problem as it aggravates the clusters, causes referred pain down my back, arms and even legs plus I can hardly move my neck with out causing myself a lot of pain. When I do move it all I can hear in my ears is grinding, crunching and popping so there is something going on with the disks but until I can get the MRI scan I need when covid calms down I am going to be suffering not knowing what's causing the neck to be so bad. 

Well bit of goid news is the virus infection rates have started falling and hopefully they will restart some of the NHS services. I can see it happen quickly as mist of the NHS staff are worn out but it's a step in the right direction and we have some hope.