Another wake up call from the beast this morning which was very surprising as yesterday was the first day in a while that i actually felt a bit better and my stomach wasn’t playing up. Today i have woken not only to a massive attack but also i am bloated and have terrible wind that is trapping all over the place. I think its trying to catch up for yesterdays break.
My neck feels extremely sore again after the attack and feels like something it stuck in between the joints on the bones. I am starting to wonder if that feeling is actually the nerve that is trapped that is causing me so many problems. To me it feels like a large ball of grit that grinds away when ever i move my arm or shoulder joint. I can feel something stretched from the base of my skull down the neck and into the shoulder. It’s a strange feeling like something elasticated is joining the two together.
My back feels like i have laid on a bed made of rocks. It is so sore. I am getting sharp but not constant pain in the centre of the back right at the bottom of the spine and then i have a constant ache on either side that i believe is the muscles. As the wind gets bad i then start to get pain up the top of the back in between the shoulder blades making it more uncomfortable and annoying rather than painful. If i begin to walk anywhere all these pains begin moving up and down the spine making it very painful with each step i take. Not to mention the feeling of having lead shoes on.
This only ever used to happen once every couple of months and i have always put it down to the after effects of having an attack. It wasn’t until i started to get them with out having attacks i realised it was another problem that had to be diagnosed and sorted. Then as it became on a daily basis and now i can honestly say i get it at least 3 times a week. It is the most horrible of all feelings as your bum goes dead and your legs start to go to sleep and you begin to worry as you just can’t get around or move about anywhere with out serious pain and problems. I just wish we could find out exactly what is causing it and now i have to wait for yet another MRI scan before we will know anything. Some times i get so frustrated waiting around for appointments but there is nothing we can do except wait.