Thursday, 16 October 2014

Things are still problematic but looking better than before..

Thankfully the Beast is still at rest an i am only getting attacks on the odd really cold days at the moment but am still waking up in the early hours even with out an attack coming on. I have tried everything from tablets that relax you to strong sleeping tablets and still they do nothing i have even tried drinking warm milk before bed to see if that would make a difference. Sometime it could be that by 5 or 6pm i an exhausted and have o go to sleep but even when i stay awake longer and knacker myself out i am still wide awake at 3 or 4 am in the morning,

I have t be grateful for the break in the attacks as i have had to stop my pregabilin tablets due to them giving me some king of allergic reaction and making me ill all the time,. I tried many different things with no success until i stopped taking the pregabilin and everything started to return back to normal or as normal as i can be. When i do get an attack i wait to see if it s going to be a big one or just one that lingers and then disappears. If it is a big one then i will take one of my injections and that usually takes care of the attack after 15 or 20 minuets. I am still getting a strange line up the left side of my back that feels strange every now and again and what ever it is it causes me pain in the lower neck.

I ma grateful for the break in the attacks as normally at this time of year with the cold weather outside i am normally suffering from 5 or 6 attacks per day but am happy to put up with 0ne or twice as i can deal with them with y injections and then they pass. I am slowly learning to live with my condition as  it has now become part of my daily routine i would just wish my bowels would rerun to normal and stop causing me so many problems. I sometimes go a week or two where mu bowels work and i can pass things and don't get any trouble and then i get the weeks where they just decided to give up and stop working all together including going to pee as it becomes very hot and very nard to push it out and pass it. I have had every test i can think of and even been looking for infections but nothing had shown up yet. I have one more test to wait for and that is an endoscopy to find out why liquid and food traps when i am trying o eat or drink and i am hoping it wont take as long as the scan did. I still have to wait another week before i can book an appointment with the doctor to get the results of the scan and see if there is anything they can do about the fatty lump that keeps pushing on nerves every now and again making thing rather painful.

To be honest my heath has been looking up for some time now and i don't really want to jinx myself by saying everything is fine now when i know i still have the normal things to deal with. The daily Bi-polar giving me mood swings like a woman on the change and making my depression really bad at times. It doesn’t help that i don't get out of the flat much at the moment di=us to the weather. As soon there is a break in the rain i will go out fishing but i can’t see that happening until next week sometime so fingers crossed the weather will be on my side.