Monday, 12 January 2015

Coping with the attacks a bit better, will it continue…. ?

The beast has been good to me since the start of the new year with an average attack count at 4 per day it is half of what i was getting last winter. Whether it is the medication that has done it or i am getting slightly better i don’t know but at leas i am starting to be able to control the attacks a little better than i have been. With most days hitting the 2 attack mark i can easily deal with then using my 2 injections. Then on the worst days i only have to ride out 2 or 3 attacks at most so i am finding that i can cope a little better. It’s still not good having to deal with any attacks at all but i am grateful for small improvements at the moment.

My bowels are still playing up with me only being able to open my bowels once every 4 to 6 days and by the time i do go i end up in a lot of pain from my stomach and wind. I am still waiting to go so i can give a sample to the doctor so they can test for stomach bugs, but when you cant go on cue its a waiting game. My stomach is hurting at the moment and i have a lot of wind build up below the chest so i am sure today we will see some movement even if it is disgusting. As soon as i can get the sample we will know what else we can do in order to make my bowels normal again.

I still have trouble eating and drinking with food and liquid getting trapped as i swallow and choking me but suddenly pops down if i rub my chest vigorously. Why it is doing it i don’t know but the have decided i need an endoscopy and have been waiting ages for the appointment. It finally came just before the weekend and i am now booked in to have it done next Monday the 19th January. I have to admit i am terrified at the thought of that being put down my throat and not being able to breathe. I know they will do everything to make me feel comfortable and said they will sedate me so i don't have to worry about having an attack during the procedure but its still a horrible thought.

The trouble is the need out weighs the fear and it needs to be done in order to find out why i have been getting so poorly all the time. It bad enough struggling with bi polar and suffering from the CH attacks every day but to end up with other health problems is really starting to take its toll on me. All i want to do is get on with life and enjoy each day as it comes. To be able to get out and go fishing again and spend some quality time at the lake side would do me the world of good. So hopefully as soon as they find out what is going on and what treatment i need i should be on target to starting my fishing again for this year. March is fast approaching and i am determined to make up for all the fishing i missed last year.