Friday, 12 February 2016

Another One Bites The Dust!

Once again the medication i was changed to ,Amertripline, has started to work and reduce the headaches and after 4 weeks started to give me side effects and an allergic reaction. The side effects this time was constant cold sweats resulting in me catching a very nasty chest infection and suffering for over a week not knowing where it came from or why i was so ill. I made an emergency appointment with my doctor only to be told it could be the medication that my body doesn't like and advised me to try and stop the medication to see if there was any improvement. 

I stopped the medication and the next day saw an immediate difference. I was no longer getting the cold sweats and started to feel well. The only trouble is the medication has already done the damage and caused another fungal infection in my throat and thrush on the back of my tongue. Not to mention the chest infection and the amount of crap coming off my chest even though i haven't got a cough. It first felt as though i was coming down with a nasty case of the flu but i realised and remembered that i had my flu jab earlier in the year so i shouldn't be getting the flu. I personally think it started off as a nasty cold caught from getting the cold sweats all day for weeks on end. It has now mutated into a chest infection and the doctors have put me on antibiotics to try and get it shifted.

My luck with medication seems to be terrible. it seems that ever since i was diagnosed with the hiatus hernia on top of my CH condition i seem to be intolerant to medications that never used to bother me. I think the hernia has made the body go all crazy and i am getting some strange things happen. I am constantly getting fungal infections, i have major wind problems all he time causing chest pains and making it feel as though you are about to have a heart attack and also get allergic reactions to the thrush including swelling of the tongue, sore eyes, nettle rash and sore mouth. The only thing that does help is the Piriton antihistamines as it eases the nettle rash and soothes the sore eyes for a while. Until i can get rid of the thrush completely with medication i will continue to get the reactions.

When i first started this journey and was told there was no cure i never thought for one minuet that i would go through so much trouble and end up battling my health on a daily basis. I was told with the help of medication i would be able to learn to control the beast and the amount of attacks i have would soon go into remission as soon as they found the correct combination of drugs to help me. So far i have tried 5 or 6 different medications for the CH and have struck out each time causing more and more problems to my health.  It's bad enough suffering bipolar and not knowing how your meed will be on a day to day basis let alone having to deal with all these different health issues. I wonder sometimes just how much more of this can i take. The battle is still not over and the fight continues, i am just praying that the attacks remain the same at the moment as the last thing i need right now is for the CH to flare up and be back where i started 4 years ago. All i can do is to try and stay strong and keep thinking i "WILL" beat this thing ........... eventually!