Friday, 17 May 2013

The beast is trying to appear & Time to experiment….

I woke up this morning at around 4am and my head was throbbing in pain all over. Not like the shadow i get or the attacks. It was more like the headache you get when you have a bad cold. I took some pain killers and that eased it for a while so i decided to go to the shop and get the hot lemon drinks you get for a cold or flu. After drinking the hot lemon i felt a lot better so it looks ;like i may have a head cold as well as a water infection.

Its the last day of antibiotics today and my sides are aching and my back feels like i have someone's fist pushing into it on both sides. i can only assume its due to the water infection but it seems like all the symptoms i had last time are coming back and i cant go through that again, it was agony. My next appointment with the doctor has been brought forwards to next Monday so i wont have to suffer like this for too long i hope. It is better today and the aches are not as strong as they were yesterday. Also the sickness feeling i had all day yesterday seems to have gone so i am praying it don’t come back.

Next week is going to be a busy week as Monday i have an appointment with CAU, then Tuesday i have appointment with the doctor and Friday an appointment at the dentist to pick up my new teeth. No doubt something will turn up during the week to fill the other days. I really have to start taking things easy because of the hernia, every time i walk to the shop, carry shopping, move around the flat or walk to the chemist i end up in agony for the whole day. I think i will have to start using the bus no matter how i feel. At least i wont be moving the hernia and causing it to become sore and painful.

The last few weeks have been hell on earth! With all the pain i have been through and the amount of medication i have to take is getting out of hand. I am just grateful i was able to go on my holiday with my mother and step father as i really enjoyed myself and get plenty of rest. i was actually feeling, looking and getting better until i returned home. Its strange but maybe there is something i am eating or taking that i am allergic to or is irritating my bowls causing me all the pain and wind. If i continue to feel like this i will have to experiment by not taking certain things like coffee or processed foods. It’s the only way i will find out what is causing me to be in pain all the time and run down.

Well after a rough start to the day and finally settling down i now have a mild shadow on the left hand side of my head so i am due an attack any time today. this is my main signal to an attack approaching and if i was outside i would run as fast as i can to get back to my flat before the beast appeared. Sometimes by sitting and taking oxygen for twenty minuets can sometimes stop the attacks from appearing or at least half the time of the attack. Thank god i have my injections as they seem to stop most of the attacks from appearing. Only the biggest and strongest of attacks over power the injections and at that time all you can do is ride them out until the pain eases and goes and this can take anything up to 2 hours.