Friday, 27 December 2013

Chest Pain, Back Pain and loosing my mind…

Well Christmas is over and we head towards a new year and thankfully i haven’t had as many attacks over the Christmas period as i thought i would have. I have had big problems with my back and my walking and also pain in the shoulder and chest. This is caused by the attacks i normally get but i have been suffering the last week even with out getting an attack. I still feel the problem in the muscle across my chest and a feeling like i have a knife stuck in me under my back left shoulder blade. Its a strange feeling as it isn’t sharp pain but a very strong ache. This makes it very uncomfortable to sit still or even lay flat on your back in bed. I tend to have to lay on my right side as the left side of my body is so messed up due to the attacks i have been getting.

Ever since i became a daily sufferer of CH and was finally diagnosed with the condition i have had the hope that they will be able to find out what is going on and finally put a stop to it and make me well. I am starting to realise this is not going to happen and things will only get worst. I have been noting how the condition has progressed and how it has become worst as time goes on. It has spread over the let side of me causing problems with other nerves and muscles on the left side causing other problems to appear. Even with the medication to help me when i get an attack i am only able to abort 5% of the attacks i get. Only being able to take 2 injections in 24 hours doesn’t really help when you end up having 10 attacks in that period of time. OK i don’t always get that many attacks and mostly i average 2 to 3 attacks per day at the moment witch is a lot lower than last year but i still get really bad periods where i get 10 attacks in a day and that really does drain you.

Now Christmas is over its back to the same old routine but i think i need to see the doctor as soon as possible. The pains in the chest are the ones that worry me the most. I am still getting some bloating and trouble with wind every now and again but no where near as bad as i was a couple of months ago. If i could just get rid of the chest ache and pain and the back i would be able to get on with my life and try and claim back some of my sanity. I have also been getting memory problems. I didn’t really notice it until i started writing things down not to forget and started to notice that my short term memory seems to be getting bad and every now and again i keep loosing a day or two. I don’t just forget things to do or things that i have done i seem to be loosing whole days where i can’t remember a single thing i have done.

OK so far i know i haven’t done anything stupid and i seem to have lost days like i would be around a mates house fixing his computer all day and then 2days later would ring up and ask if he wanted his system done yet and would then be reminded that i had already done it a few days before. I would then have images flash in my mind that would confirm that i had done it but do you think i can remember anything else from that day, No! This has now happened a couple of times to me and is becoming very worrying as you just don;t know what you could have done if you forget a day. I know in my heart that i wouldn’t do anything really stupid or bad but its not the point. When your memory goes or you have trouble remembering things who's to say what you are capable of doing.