Thursday, 19 December 2013

Still feel a little woozy …… “Ding Ding!”

After ringing my bell the other day and now ending up with a big scab on the forehead, where my fall resulted in the skin being torn off my head, I have been feeling rather sluggish and tired all the time. I know i had concussion as i was so sick after the bang on the head but the best cure for concussion is rest and i have been getting plenty of that. Mind you my sleep has been very restless so maybe i am not actually getting the rest i need as i keep tossing and turning most nights just to then be woken at 3am by the Beast and having to deal with an attack first thing in the morning. The headache i had when the bump on the head happened has thankfully gone and my head is no longer throbbing. My appetite has come back and the ringing in my ears is no longer loud. I still feel a little tired and a bit stunned but that's only to be expected after such an incident.

With the weather being so cold and unpredictable at the moment i haven’t had a chance to get any winter fishing in. I am hoping in the new year that the weather will settle down a bit and i will be able to get out and do some fishing. I decided to treat myself to a new rod holdall and set of bait alarms with receiver. The rod holdall allows the fisherman to have 3 ready made up rods and 3 spare rods all kept neatly inside a bag with pockets to hold accessories and nets or umbrellas. Having the rods ready done like this saves a lot of time on the bankside and means you can get out fishing a lot sooner than normal instead of having to set up each rod individually making half your time rig building instead of trying to catch them. The alarms i chose are a new design with different sensitivity settings so you can control what the alarms do depending on how the fish are feeding. Not only do they have new features but also come with a receiver so there's no mistaking someone else's alarm at the bank side as the receiver vibrates when you get a bite so you know for sure its your rods that have gone off.

One thing i will have to do if i do go fishing in the winter is make sure i wrap up properly as the cold seems to be setting off my attacks a lot more regularly. I am having to wear my woollen hat in bed at nights just lately. It makes no difference if i have the heat on on all night or if i let it cool down, if the weather is cold outside and wet then i will get an attack. If we have a low pressure system above out city i end up getting attacks. When i wake in the early hours due to the attacks building in my sleep i end up feeling a cold band around the top of my head like a ring of ice. Before i start any winter fishing i better make sure i have the proper clothing to cope with the conditions and make sure i remain dry even in the worst of rain.