Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Better year than last year but still the beast chases me!

I have to be honest and mention that although I have been suffering from attacks on a regular basis they have in no way been as bad as they were last year. This time last year I wad getting up to 8 or 10 attacks within 24 hrs and I just couldn't cope. I am really grateful of the injections and medication I have been given since my diagnosis as it has helped me get into some sort of rhythm and control with my condition. I know i won't be able to stop them all together and that i will still suffer with this condition until the day i die but at least i can live some sort of life again. For the first time in many years i have actually started planning for the future and the year ahead. I lost out on a lot of fishing last year and a chance t visit some great places around Wales due to my illness playing up and all the side effects from the medication i was on. Now that i am no longer getting the side effects and have started to feel a lot fitter i am planning to start my fishing early next season and try and get in as many visits to different places during the year. I am even planning to return to white acres in Cornwall to take on their specimen lakes once again. 

For the last few weeks i have been struggling with a nasty cold that has turned out to be mild flu and i making me ache all over. It has been 2 weeks almost 3 and only now am i starting to feel a little better and my strength returning. I have been on different flu and cold medication and it felt like nothing was helping and i had to let it run its course and just stay warm and rest as much as i could. It is the worst cold/flu i have had in quite some years so i am going to book a flu injection with the doctor for when the real cold weather returns in January. The last thing i need now is to come down with another nasty bout of the flu when i have already had it. The next time will be a lot worst if i don't have the injections so its another booking with the doctor.

It is strange how i haven't had any attacks whilst i have bee suffering from the cold and flu although it has tried to play up the attacks have stayed away. Maybe my body is feeling sorry for itself as it has been through enough already. I wish that was the case but i know if i go out in the cold the cold wind on the face and in the left eye will surely set it off again and that's something i am trying to avoid until i know i have it under complete control. I was set to start the sodium tablets again as soon as my bowels were a little better but having the cold and flu has postponed it so i am now waiting until i feel a little stronger before i try taking them again. This is just in case of another allergic reaction to the medication as i feel that i wouldn't be able to cope with it whilst i feel weak so i will now wait for the cold to completely shift before trying again.

The last time i tried i didn't get an allergic reaction until after 3 weeks of taking the medication and then after i stopped i was still getting an allergic reaction that after a month of trial and error and a lot of suffering i found out it was the pregabilin that was giving me the allergic reaction and not the sodium tablets/ I am praying that the sodium will now help the head as i have stopped the pregabilin all together and this should help ease the attacks and stop them from starting. When i last took the sodium for 2 weeks i didn't have one attack. Not even a shadow over the period i was on the sodium so i am hoping this is the medication that will stop the beast as it seemed to work last time. Fingers crossed.