Wednesday, 3 December 2014

A stinking Cold to top things off…..

Now the cold weather has returned and so has the beast The last couple of weeks have been hell with attacks appearing every morning in the early hours waking me instantly and causing me agonising pain. Not only have i had to deal with the beast on a daily basis again but also the small lump in my lower left back just to the side of the spine. It is really causing me some serious pain and when i walk it makes it 10 times worst. I tried to walk to my local super market this morning but the cold was getting to me so badly that i was getting constant sharp pain right up the left side of my back into my neck.

It looks like the beast is slowly building back up to how the attacks used to be last winter. I am still not having as many attacks as i was last year but still enough to cause problems. It’s bad enough i am scared to go out of my flat in case an attack starts whilst i am away from home, you would have thought that the injections would give me some peace of mind but they don’t i still prefer to stay indoors when having a bad head day and let the attacks come and go on their own with out aggravating them. To top things off his week i also seem to have caught a nasty cold or even the start of the flu.

I seem to have a bad chest that keeps getting sore and heavy and bringing mucus up every now and again so i had to purchase some cough medicine alone with some cold and flu drinks just in case as when i get a bad cold or the flu i always get it really bad. I normally end up with such a high temperature i hallucinate and also can’t eat or drink anything as t constantly makes me feel sick. I am hoping that i can shift it this week before the xmas holiday as i don’t really want to be suffering from this cold during my xmas dinner.

I have had this cold now for just under 2 weeks and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better, in fact it feels like its getting worst but they say things feel like they are getting a lot worst before you start to feel better so fingers crossed i will start improving soon as it seems to be making my mood very low. Trust me to catch a nasty cold and cause the head to play up just when things were getting a lot better than they have been for years. Lets hope the cold and flu drinks and medication will kick he cold in to touch and let me get on with things again. So much for winter fishing this year. Every time i have tried to get out i have either ended up in pain or ended up feeling ill. Give me a break.