I know i have had a lot of attacks just lately and it started getting worst a couple of months ago when i was having the allergic reactions all the time. I ended up having to go into the doctors twice for a prescription for more injections as i was only on half dose and didn't want to cost the system too much money with me not using them and stockpiling (i wish i had). After having 2 bad months and having to increase my dose i told my doctor to put them back up to 56 a month (2 a day) ready for the winter as i have been bad lately. She did this and i thought everything was sorted.
I go into my local chemist who takes care of all my medication and all my repeats so i don't have to worry about them or miss medication. They also help to watch what i am tacking and even dose out the injections weekly so i can have 2 per day per week and don't get tempted into taking more that i should. They watch all my medication closely and even notice when something is wrong with me so i have stayed with this chemist from the beginning. As i approached the counter the woman said ” Martyn; is there a reason why they would stop your injections”; “Certainly Not” i said d “Well there are NONE on your script for the month.” . I contacted the doctors to find out my doctor is on leave and somehow a mistake had been mistaken so they would do a script for 28. Me thinking they meant 28 boxes , 56 injections i said “OK”m i went to collect them. I was horrified when i saw the script.
I Rang the doctors back and was basically told there was nothing i can do and my doctor is away on leave and i would have to wait until she came back. I am fed up with these excuses all the time something goes wrong with my medication if it not the injections if its the laxatives, or something else missing fro the script, I ended up ringing through at lunch time and spoke with the doctor in person and when i explained the problem he agreed to write a prescription for 56 injections and it will be waiting there the next day for me. Now why couldn't they just do that in the first place.
This last week has been really stressful and a lot of things have been going wrong. My PC broke but managed to fix it and now am running Windows 10 witch isn't that bad really when you get used to it. Tried to order a screen for my mobile as i smashed it and its going to take 2 weeks to come and that's annoying as its like looking at a cracked mirror all the time even though it still works. The weather is looking good this weekend so i might get out and do a bit of fishing and see if can get a bit of fresh air. My mate Brian has agreed to drop me down and pick me up he may even join me yet depends how busy he is. Lets hope the weather holds and so does the health. Fingers Crossed