Friday, 11 September 2015

More Up’s and Down’s Than a Yoyo !

Every time i think i am starting to get better and the attacks reduce and the allergies and side effects of the medication start to ease and stop  along comes a weather front to kick off the attacks all over again. Why the weather seems to have so much of an active roll in why my attacks set off is beyond me understanding but i can only assume its when we get low pressure changing to high or high changing to low. You mustn’t forget that cold is also a major factor of my attacks as even though the weather is still warm, all it takes is a cold breeze to blow constantly in my left eye for a period of time and it set’s off my attacks. When winter comes i literally become a hermit and hide away from the out doors due to this problem

This hiding away has become a big problem over the last 2 years as i no longer have a social life and only a few real true friends that visit me other than family. As i tend not to go out anymore it seems like everyone has drifted away. My good friends take time out to come round and see how i am doing  even if it is only once a week it gives me that incentive to try and fight the beast and get out and about a bit more. I have really struggled the last 2 years to even get out and do some fishing my health has been so up and down like a yoyo its crazy. I have managed a few trips and find i feel so much better for a while afterwards due to being out in the fresh air for a long period really does help.

Well at the moment i am starting to feel a little batter than i have been despite getting some bad pain in the back and chest area. I think the chest is the hernia playing up but it is still scary and you always feel the worst. I am hoping to get out and get some fresh air this weekend despite there going to be showers and my step father Brian also wants to get out and do some fishing so we planned a trip to the local lake and give a bit of Carp fishing a go and see if we can catch some lumps. Fingers crossed the weather wont be that bad and is currently following the same pattern as sun during day with the odd shower and a little cloud. This is perfect fishing weather.

I have been trying to stop my Omeprazole so i can get some blood tests done but can only manage to go 2 and a half days with out then i get so bad i throw up loads of acid and feel terrible. I need to go 2 weeks constant so i can get the blood tests done so i am going to talk with the doctor on my next six week appointment and check up to see what i can do about it. I only have to wait till Monday so its not too bad i haven't got to wait weeks for an appointment when they are really busy. Lets hope she can figure something out and why i keep getting allergy reactions every now and again.