Monday, 31 August 2015

Things can only get better…

Once again i have spent the weekend with no sleep at all due to pain waking me up every time i think i have dropped off to sleep sharp pain will cause my eyes to open and then i have to move position to stop the aches in the bones and the back. I am still getting allergic reactions or symptoms that imitate an allergic reaction and no sign as to what is causing them. They seem to have eased a little for a while so i am hoping they will eventually go but it still doesn’t answer what happened to cause them in the first place.

On a lighter note, my bowels have finally started to work again properly and i am going to the toilet as regular as i used to. Lets hope this improvement stays and i don't have to go through the nightmare of bad constipation again. I am still convinced it was the medication that caused it all in the first place and because of that i now have to take laxative tablets and drinks everyday in order for my bowels to work normally. Well while they are working ill keep taking the medication as it must be working.

Well i have started to feel a little better than i was the other day and am not having so many attacks again. I am hoping they are on the decrease again but you never know with this condition. I am hoping next weekend to get out and do a bit of fishing with my best mate and hope we can spend a few days out in the fresh air catching fishing and doing something that i love. Fingers crossed that the weather holds and we manage our trip.