Friday, 11 December 2015

Winters fast approaching, what about the CH?

Well again its been a while since i updated my blog. I managed to get an appointment with the neurologist after just over a year. I can’t believe its been that long since i last saw him and so many things have happened in between appointments it was difficult explaining all the problems. He has confirmed that it isn't the cluster attacks causing the back pain and the stabbing pains on the left side of the body and insists that my doctor refer me and look into this matter, He also agreed that i am having trouble controlling my anxiety from the bi-polar side of me and i need to rake action and i will find that a lot of the pains and aches and weaknesses start to go away. He wants me to see my doctor as soon as possible and he will see me again in six months hoping that my attacks don't return to how bad they were a year from now.

I understand with cluster attacks that you go through cycles but most people had them for a period and then they stop and return months or years later. Being chronic it just decreases the amount of attacks you have in a month and you go through low and high periods depending on your health. So far i am at my lowest i have been in 2 years but i touch wood as i say that as the weather has been making the head play up and i have had to deal with a few attacks the last few days. I do get very anxious at the time of my attacks knowing that the pain is going t o start and its no wonder after having so many attacks but i agree i need to do something about the anxiety and try and stay calm and chilled instead of worry about every thing all the time. I know its down to not being able to get out fishing lately as its driving me crazy so i have to plan a trip soon and no matter how much pain i am, in i will still go and try and relax as that's when i find i am at my best when on the bank trying to catch large fish.

I am about to go take a look at a new fishing syndicate known as the Birch Syndicate , its not actually new as its been around for a few years but the waters are new to me and a challenge that i an really looking forwards to. It a very large lake full of carp from high doubles up to 40lb + so i cant wait to start fishing it next season. I could start during the winter but i know the cold weather would probably start playing havoc with my head and end up setting off attacks so i don't want to risk aggravating it for no reason. I am happy with the amount of attacks i am having to deal with at the moment and although i still find myself locked away all the time i am slowly starting to get out a couple of times a week and if i can get back into my fishing this will change to weeks at a time. There is no better medication than being out in the fresh air and getting the vitamins and sun on then body.

I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday to update her with what the neurologist said. I don't think she is going to be very happy when i tell her what he said but its not really her fault that they haven't investigated the pain in my back and neck as it could have been coming from the head and as we couldn’t get hold of the neurologist for over a year meant i have had to suffer and put up with the pain. At least we are starting to make improvements and slowly getting there. I also have the mental heath team support group contacting me on Friday 18th December to discus what extra support i need and help they are able to offer me as i am suffering from the bad anxiety.

The neurologist wants me on Amertriperlyn Tablets to see if it helps ease the remaining attacks i am having at the moment and he is also referring me to another headache specialist as some of the attacks are actual headaches caused and aggravated by the pain in the neck so having a couple of triggers all the time isn't good so we are going to see if there are anything else we can try to get them under control. Well this is my last blog update until after Christmas and the New Year so i would like to wish everyone that reads my blog a great Christmas and a Pain free New yea and hope you all achieve your goals in the new year coming.