Monday, 28 March 2016

The pain then suddenly stops as fast as it started....

Once again i find myself waking up at 2 am wondering why i don't feel tired and finding that i am about to have a cluster attack. No matter how hard i try to avoid these early morning wake up calls i always seem to get them. I thought it could be the weather and the sudden drop in temperature we get in the early hours so i keep the heating on trying to avoid it. I have even tried to tire myself out so much that i could actually lay in and sleep through it but no matter how tired i am, i still get woken. Its strange how it always starts the same way and is always on the left side of my face and head. Again it starts behind the eye and the top of my jaw on the left. The eye swells up and the face begins to droop. Water streams from your eye and sweat pours from your forehead. The pain always travels over the top of the head and ends in the back of your neck. The level of pain is so severe there is nothing on earth you can compare it to. It always leaves you feeling drained and praying to god for it to stop. If you were never religious its amazing how you suddenly hope that there is a god and that something can be done or that he will take mercy on you and stop the attack, but this never happens.

The pain then suddenly stops as fast as it started and you are left rubbing your sore head and eye wondering if and when it will return. You would think after suffering for so many years and having so many attacks that someone would get used to them but the pain always seems stronger each time it happens. The attacks can last from 30 mins and anything up to 3 hours and by the end of it you actually wish you were dead. When i first had these terrible attacks i thought something serious was wrong or i was about to have a stroke or even worst, i was about to die. I was never prepared for the shock when the specialists told me there was no cure and very little treatment for the condition and i would continue to have these attacks till i die or until they can control them with medication. If i had known what i know now i would never have agreed to the different drugs they kept on trying. The amount of side effects from the medication is crazy. One drug starts causing problems so you end up having to take another one to stop this problem and so begins the viscous circle you end up in.

Well i have to admit if it wasn't for one of the drugs i don't know what i would have done. The Sumatripitan injections are a god send as they are the only thing that will abort a full blown attack but you can only take 2 in 24 hrs and sometimes the attacks are so powerful they just don't seem to have any effect when you take the injection. I am just grateful for the times i am able to abort an attack and thanks to this the number of attacks have reduced. Although i still get attacks i am now finding i have more pain free days and have started to re-build my life. I will be getting out a lot more and especially getting out to do some fishing, the sport i love and use to keep my depression and stress under control. I have been making plans and getting things ready for the season but as usual, as soon as things start to go my way something comes along and kicks me square in the plums. 

I have started to get sharp pain in my chest again and can only think its from wind or the hiatus hernia caused through medication side effects. The pain was so bad this morning i woke up and thought i was having a heart attack and scared the living daylights out of myself. I have had no end of tests done at the hospital as i was getting oral thrush on my tongue and a sore throat and eyes for some reason but when they looked into it they couldn't find anything wrong.  Thankfully the tests have helped to put my mind at rest as i know i don't have any serious conditions other that the Clusters and the hernia but these are bad enough on their own. When the pain comes in the chest i can only assume its the hernia causing swelling and wind pushes up to cause the pain. If its not the hernia then it could be the same nerve in the neck that also causes me pain down the left side of my back. I think this nerve is tender as its the same nerve that the clusters travel along that goes over the head and into the neck.

It is possible that the cluster attacks are aggravating the nerve or even the other way around. I am still waiting for my referral to physiotherapy and i have now been waiting 2 years for it. Its crazy to think they would leave someone in this much pain all the time but as my specialist keeps saying to me there isn't much else they can actually do for me as painkillers doesn't help and only makes my health worst. What ever is causing it all is making my life a living hell. Just to be able to live a normal life again and go a while with out any pain or problems is a dream that is fading away fast. I sometimes have to remind myself that although i am in pain and have these conditions i still have to be thankful for the life i do have as there are thousands of people a lot worst off than i am and they are struggling to stay alive let alone live life.