The worst thing about being ill is having to wait for referrals or appointment from your doctor and specialists and especially when they haven't got a clue exactly whats wrong with you. i can understand that the health service is overwhelmed with people taking advantage of our free medical treatment and services and i can understand that the staff are stretched to the max. What i can't understand is when things are starting to become serious why they continue to drag their feet and take ages to get you the help you need. usually that help comes either when its too late to do anything about it or just before things get out of control.
I was diagnosed with CH Cluster headaches or as the Americans now call it, Hortons Neuralgia in 2012 just after a huge bout of attacks and when my condition changed from an episodic sufferer with a few attacks every couple of months to a chronic sufferer with attacks happening on a daily basis with a record number of attacks in one day hitting a massive 12 attacks. The average number of attacks i would get was between 6 to 8 per day and now i am under medication and treatment this has now dropped to between 2 and 4 per day. Thankfully i no longer get them every day and manage top get at least 2 to 3 days per week with no attacks at all but these are intermittent and i never know when i am going to be completely pain free.
Since things started to get worst with my health i now have pains down the left side of my back and the base of my spine and i also get constant pain in the left side of my neck. Dispite constant treatment under the physio therapists to try and ease this problem it has been gradually getting worst over the last 12 months and i now have to deal with pain EVERY day even though i get days with no CH attacks i still have to deal with the back and neck pains. No matter what medication i take or pain killers this pain never seems to go away and is slowly grinding me down daily. I have been back and fore for appointment after appointment and they still are no closer to a solution or any idea what is going on.
After being experimented on for a couple of years with different medication in order to get the clusters under control and having to deal with side effects and allergic reactions that almost killed me, I now have to suffer from a Hiatus hernia that seems to be causing infection after infection and causing allergies to things i previously never had a problem with. Not only do i have to put up with these constant infections but its is now causing so much pain in the chest on a daily basis that several times over that last year i was rushed into hospital in fear of heart problems and even though i told them it was the hernia they made sure i was put through every test possible to ensure my heart was fine. It has now got to the stage where i can no longer eat with out experiencing food and liquids trapping and almost chocking me and along with this comes sharp stinging pain to the chest on the left side where the hernia is.
I am still waiting to see if they are going to do anything about it and in the mean time my health is just getting worst and worst. I started to have problems walking every now and again over a year ago where once every couple of months i would get this strange feeling in my legs like pressure is building up and the muscles are rock solid and when i try and walk it hurts like crazy. This seemed to come and go and i always put it down to the nerve in my back that is causing all the other pains. Now all of a sudden its become a daily problem and now i can hardly walk normal at all. Its always there and as soon as i start to walk, literally 30 seconds into moving, the pain begins and every movement is agony. I have been to see the doctor on several occasions complaining about this and they have no clue what could be causing it. Again i am having more blood tests and again i have to wait to see if they find anything out or to see what they can do about it, Every day that passes it is becoming harder and harder to walk any type of distance and i am finding myself trapped in my flat once again even though i have been trying to make an effort to get out and do something like fishing but every time i plan a trip something happens or i am too ill to go. Summer has come and gone and i think i have only been out fishing a total of 4 times all year and its really starting to get to me. The depression side of my illness is very hard to control lately and i am really struggling.
It seems no matter how much i complain to the doctors and ask for help nothing seems to get done and all they can do is shrug their shoulders and refer me on to someone else who ends up clueless as to whats going on. The amount of test i have had over the last year is just getting crazy and i have had so many different appointments i could actually set up home in the hospital (wouldn't be a bad idea) yet i am still clueless as to what has caused it and what can be done to make me well'ish again. I have more appointments coming up in the next couple of weeks and some with my specialist at the hospital so i am going to ask and see what can be done about my situation and the difficulty i have walking and moving about. Surely they must have some idea what it could be and i think if i knew what it was i wouldn't worry or stress so much. I just wish i could catch a break and i know i am going to have to really try and make the effort to get out and go fishing over the next couple of months and not let this illness get the better of me. I promised myself i wouldn't give in to it and wouldn't let it stop me trying to live as normal a life as i can and i would fight it all the way but sometimes i really wonder if i have the strength anymore.