Wednesday, 17 August 2016

More and more health problems as time goes on. I just wish i could get a break!

As usual as soon as things start to improve and i think i have a strong hold on my health something happens and feel like i am back where i started. I had my appointment for the 2nd Endoscopy to see why food and drink was trapping all the time and causing me pain in the chest and when they looked they found that the Hiatus hernia hasn't got any worst and isn't causing a blockage but when they tried to get the camera down my throat they had problems. The entrance to the esophagus kept staying closed instead of opening up after swallowing , they made me swallow twice with the tube down my throat and still she couldn't get it to go down. Eventually i had to push on my chest with my hand, exactly the same thing when food traps, and the entrance opened and they were able to take a look.

The specialist seems to think i have developed a rare condition and had to take 4 biopsies to do some tests on and see if she is right. She also said the problem with the entrance to my esophagus could be from having spasms and that's the reason why its staying closed. This could be the reason why food keeps trapping and is also a big problem that needs further investigation and if it closes tight whilst i am asleep i wont be able to breath properly and could suffer asphyxiation during me sleep. I really didn't like the sound of that news but she assured me this is VERY rare as the body naturally will awaken me due to trying to protect itself and get oxygen to the brain.  The only time i have to be careful is if i am ever under sedation where i will stay asleep. This is the first time i have ever heard of such a thing but i am sure they know what they are talking about.

I now have to wait 2 weeks for the results and am booked in ready with my doctor to see what can be done about it and how we can continue with the hiatus hernia and all the infections and problems it keeps causing me. I am also being referred to a  specialist who deals with this kind of stuff and also the rare condition they were talking abut so god only knows how long this will now take. I have also been getting problems with my walking all of a sudden. I started getting them at the beginning of last year when i was having major pain in my back. As i walk i suddenly find that pressure is building or my muscles are completely tensed up and it begins to hurt with each step i take. As i walk further or try to ignore it the pain just increases to a level where i can no longer walk let alone stand and have to sit down where ever i am and take the weight off my legs. After a couple of minuets it starts to ease and then i can continue my journey. I am finding i cant walk for more than 2 to 3 minuets before having to stop and instead of it happening once ever week or two it has now become a daily issue as from last week.

My doctor was very concerned when i reported this and sent my straight up the hospital to have a scan for any blood clots on the legs. They didn't find any major clots ion the main veins but did find a small lump in what the call a secondary vein and i was on blood thinning tablets and medication to break it down. Within a week it was gone so god knows what it was but the doctor ensures me it wasn't a clot. She seems to think its a fatty build up such as a cholesterol pocket and with the help of the medication this has now been broken down. It all sounds a bit strange to me as i thought clots were fatty build ups but apparently a blood clot is actually blood. All i know is i don't have any clots and the circulation in my legs is fine so what is causing all this pain and weakness as i walk is a mystery until we get the results of blood tests back. I have lost count of how many different blood tests i have had over the last few years but one thing i do know my veins in my arms are now buggered and there is so much scar tissue they have become unaccessible. 

When they were trying to sedate me for the endoscopy they turned round and told me i have rhino skin on my hands as the skin has become so hard they almost couldn't get a needle in. They really had to push hard which resulted in a lot of pain as the needle went in but eventually after 4 attempts they found the vein. Its crazy how much treatment i have been having over the last 6 years and my personal medical file is massive. I have also been keeping copies of all my diagnosis's and my appointment letters and i have now filled a file cabinet at the side of my desk. Its just getting crazy. I am actually starting to think they are using me as a Ginny Pig and seeing what medications they can give me and what side effects it may have. I know that's not true , its just how i feel lately.  Why can't things just be simple and say "this is what you have...! and "This is the treatment you need!" , instead with me its test after test and then more tests. It was bad enough being diagnosed with cluster attacks and finding out there isn't a cure but now i am finding more and more health problems as time goes on. I just wish i could get a break!