Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Everything is becoming too much to handle ….

Again i have been suffering from early morning wake up calls from the beast at 3 am or 4am. You would think as the cold is the main trigger for my attacks that when the weather starts to warm up the attacks will reduce and stop. This isn't the case unfortunately as even the smallest drop in temperature in the early hours seems to aggravate my head and cause attacks to appear. It doesn’t help that i am still suffering some strange symptoms that are very similar to an allergic reaction and also a bad case of Thrush in the mouth and on the tongue. The doctor had given me medication that i had to swill around the mouth and then swallow to help get rid of it but the first dose didn't work and i was still just as bad a week later. Then i had a second dose of the medication that almost got rid of it completely but when i stopped taking the medication because i ran out within 2 days it was back again.

This time the doctor has prescribed me some strong tablets that is supposed to get rid of any type of fungal infection and said that this should stop the problem. Through research about my hiatus hernia i found out that i can now get fungal infections with great ease due to an imbalance that the hernia causes. It also says i can suddenly get allergies also which would explain all the strange symptoms i have been having. We still can’t work out what is causing these symptoms and why i feel like it is getting worst each week that passes. I also have severe pain in the neck on either side and this has now spread down my back on the right side and into the shoulder on the right both in the back and front and is so uncomfortable and painful its crazy.

It has now been 5 weeks since all this has started and i am no closer to a solution. I have tried everything i can think of. I have stopped dairy products and wheat products and even changes washing powders just in case something was causing the symptoms of an allergy. Also as my neighbour has cats and i had a couple of flea bites on my ankles i decided to fumigate the entire flat with a flea bomb to ensure that there could be nothing that was biting me causing the allergy.  After i bombed the flat i did start to feel a bit better but at the same time i stopped taking paracetamol tablets so it could be just a coincidence or maybe the paracetamol was also causing problems, i just don’t know. After a few more days i started to get ill again and for sure it can’t be the bites or fleas as the fumigation will kill anything that comes into contact with my carpet or furniture for the next 7 months to ensure i don't get any more bites.

As well as getting the symptoms come back my bowels have also decided to stop working so yet again i have to take more laxatives to get things moving again but i am sure its what ever is causing these symptoms that is also causing my bowls to suddenly stop working. Every time i see a doctor and tell them of the problems they just chuck more laxatives and medication at me and its really driving me insane. Why can’t they investigate it properly and stop all this messing about. Why someone should be in such a state and in so much pain in this day and age is beyond me. You would think with all the modern technology and medication they could do a lot better instead of leaving me to suffer all the time. Its bad enough suffering from the cluster attacks each day let alone all these other things going on. My back is in constant pain, my neck is in constant pain, my shoulder is in constant pain and my attacks are still everyday, although a massive improvement to what they were as i don't have as many attacks as i used to.

Due to the hernia i now have to sleep with my bed up at a strange angle and at first i thought the neck could be linked to that but now i have a new bed that has the base up at an angle so the mattress is still flat and doesn’t give me a crick in the neck so it can’t be that causing the neck pains. When i try and sleep on my back i get severe pain all night in both kidneys and also upper back and have to lay on my right side in order to sleep. If i try and sleep on my left side it ends up setting of cluster attacks so i am only able to sleep in one position all night. This is all starting to get too much for me to handle and i am struggling with the depression on a daily basis now. Its bad enough that i don’t get out of my flat as much as i used to due to the cluster attacks but at the moment i haven’t even managed to get out and go fishing yet. My local lake is closed at the moment so i can’t go there and the others are all too far for me to take my gear as i can’t lift as much as i used to not only because of the hernia but also due to the pain in the neck , kidneys and neck. I just wish god would cut me a break……..