I am slowly coming to the conclusion that i have the worst of luck when it comes to my health and my condition. Just when i think things are improving and i will finally start to gain some control over this horrible condition i end up feeling worst than ever before. One of the main triggers for CH other than weather changes is stress, Due to stress being a big problem and constantly setting off attacks i took it upon myself to try and clear any debts i occurred from loans of purchases form years ago when i fell really ill and ended up in hospital and due to this i ended up missing payments and falling behind resulting in companies selling on the debts to other companies and the amount i owed gradually increased over time as each time it gets sold on it also gains charges. I decided to get in contact with these companies and settle the debts hence relieving any stress i had on me with regards to money worries. However there is always one that falls through the net and went unsettled as i didn't realise i still owed the money.
I tried to get in touch with the company but couldn't get any sense out of them as they seemed to be going through some difficulties of their own, Mackenzie Hall was the company and they went into financial difficulties a few years ago when i tried to contact them and arrange payment off my debt. They asked me about my illness and asked if i could send them a copy of my diagnosis and they would then take this into consideration. I then heard nothing from them for years. Last year i was contacted by a group called the PRA Group who made out that they were Mackenzie Hall just under a different name and time had come to settle my debt. This was actually a lie and Mackenzie Hall had ended up in financial difficulties and this company , PRA Group, had purchased the debts in a reduced bulk buy but didn't offer any reductions to the debtors who they chased to settle their debts. I then made an agreement to make weekly payments to get this debt cleared and stop any stress being caused making me ill. Since making the agreement a payment was delayed going through due to a bank holiday and my bank blocking money against direct debits that were due to come out straight after the bank holiday, this sometimes happens and has never bothered me. I then get contacted by PRA group telling me the agreement has been cancelled and they had to make me go through all the paperwork again and re set up the agreement, crazy but understandable.
This happened again and once again they called me and yet again i had to go through all the details and re set-up an agreement with them. Now i wouldn't mind so much but when you listen to them waffle on for almost an hour repeating the same stuff over and over again and keep asking you the same details that they already have one the system it really starts to become annoying. This started to stress me out and make me ill and i had informed them of my illness and what it was doing but they still continued. Low and behold last bank holiday (just gone) the inevitable happened and the payment didn't go out so i made sure i made the payment as quickly as possible a few days later to ensure i didn't fall behind and guess what? Yes you got it, they phoned me to tell me the agreement had been cancelled and started to rattle off the same information that i have heard no end of time and i really started to become ill, so much so i was actually physically sick from the stress and ended up having several severe attacks later that day that i know were from the stress as i haven't had attacks for over a week which is amazing for me. Now you would think having debts are stressful in themselves but i wouldn't mind if i owed thousands of pounds but this is for a stupid amount of less than £250.
I know you are probably thinking well if its such a small amount why not just clear it off and end the stress. Well i would off after a couple of months and wouldn't have any more issues but now due to the arrogance of this company and the stress they have put me under it has now become principal of the whole matter as i told them time and time again i didn't want to keep going through the process for an hour each time causing me stress and making me ill yet they seem to refuse to listen so now they can wait for the money and they will get it in the weekly payments i originally set up and they can like it or lump it. If they don't want it then they can take me to court and i will gladly have my day and show the courts exactly what they are like. The last time they phoned me and tried to take me through the whole process again i quickly cut them off in mid sentence and told them straight i will continue to make the payments and they will get the money but if the don't want it then tough, have fun paying to take me to court the fools and quickly slammed the phone down. When i researched the company on-line i quickly found a pattern emerging of complaints about the company chasing sick and vulnerable people and even using illegal tactics to try and force people into paying debts such as sending suited and booted large men to peoples homes demanding payments when they legally are not allowed to do this. Only a court bailiff is allowed to approach anyone at their home for payments.
I know all this probably sounds stupid and to have such a hassle over a small debt is a bit much but now it has become a personal principle and i WILL make them wait until it is paid off. If i had loads of debts i could understand the attitude and why companies would go to these lengths but i don't have any other debts that are outstanding. I have made sure my finances are clear and up to date and even one company that i did have a small debt with was good enough to cancel the debt due to the change in my health and the issues i now have. My advice to anyone who is reading this is to make sure you are debt free and if you do have debts to keep your payments and clear them as soon as you can as i have found that stress can be just as bad an illness and any other serious condition. I supposed i suffer more from stress due to the CH (Clusters) i get and also my Type 2 Bi-Polar that apparently i was born with but i keep under control and it is watched by family members to ensure i don't get into trouble. I have had very bad rashes, my hair has fallen out, i have been physically sick and ended up having severe cluster attacks all due to stress so the trick is to try and stay as stress free as is possible. I have been on stress management courses and even have special CD's and Tapes with music and sounds to listen to the help you relax and drop your stress levels but when idiots keep phoning you up and stressing you out over something so trivial it really makes my blood boil and it wont be long before i end up smashing my phone to bits..