Thursday, 21 July 2016

It Don't Rain, It Pours..... Time for an Operation!

Well every time i think my health is improving something happens and i am back to square one. Just as the attacks started to ease off and become manageable again the hiatus hernia has decided to become so problematic that not only am i getting pain daily and problems with eating and drinking but it is also causing infections that keep returning once treatment has finished. Talk about having bad luck when it comes to my health. Each time i eat something or drink it seems to trap at the top of my chest and doesn't pass through properly. This then causes me stinging pain and i have to massage my chest and push inwards with my hands until i feel the hernia move and pop and the food or fluid finally passes through bubbling as it goes, which feels really strange. This is the only way i can eat or drink.

Again my eyes have started to become sore all the time and i am getting strange rashes appear over the body and the skin sometimes becomes red and sore down my arms. This is accompanied my a feeling of weakness and tiredness all the time and a bad case of oral thrush that i have been constantly treating now for well over 6 months. I visited the doctors once again and they have now done an emergency referral to get the hernia operated on and sorted out once and for all as its affecting me so badly. Again it has caused an infection in the chest area but i cant have antibiotics as i have only just finished 2 different types and by giving me more will cause an immunity to them so my body has the fight it naturally until i have the operation. The thrush is so bad it has effected my taste and everything tastes disgusting and my mouth constantly feels sore.

Suddenly i am having problems walking and can no longer walk to my local shop with out my legs turning to jelly and becoming so painful i can't stand. The doctor rushed me into the hospital in case it was a clot that had appeared in the lower legs but everything was clear so it looks like its the nerve that is causing me pain in the back. It seems like its effecting my walking a lot worst than usual. I have been getting a few bad cluster attacks over the last week as we have been having some strange very hot weather. Although the temperature is up and some days it is very sunny it still seems very close and there is an electrical feeling in the air as though a storm is on its way and its this that seems to effect my head and nerve and bring on attacks when i least expect them.

I am hoping the hospital wont take too long to arrange the appointment for the pre op and then the actual operation itself. Don't get me wrong no one wants an operation and least of all me but i know its going to improve things at the moment. I am so grateful technology and medical treatment has improved in leaps and bounds over the years as the doctor informed me 10 years ago they would have had to split my chest open to operate and the hiatus hernia resulting in recovery and hospitalization that could last for months or years. now days they do it through keyhole surgery and i could be in in the morning and back home the same evening. The one thing i am not looking forwards to is having the camera down the throat again so they can see the position of the hernia and just how bad it has become. the last time i had it was bad enough and couldn't stop gagging so i am praying it will be done quickly and things will be solved sooner rather than later.