Monday, 18 August 2014

A break from the beast at last but for how long?

Thankfully i have managed to have a break from the beast for the last few days and i have also managed to re-charge my batteries with plenty of rest. If only i could say the same about the lump in my back though, it has been causing me pain non stop. Every time i move about or walk to the shop i end up in agony and very sore. I have tried every thing i know in order to ease the ache and pains it keeps giving me. I have taken paracetamol pain killers and that doesn't help, i have used special ibuprofen gel to rub in the area of the lump and that doesn’t help. Apart from taking extremely strong pain killers which will just cause me more problems i just don’t know what else i can do.

I am still waiting for a date for the scan to see exactly what it is that is causing me all the pain and pressing on the nerves in the back. I know it is pressing on the nerves as at times it effects the entire left side of my body causing cramps and agony up the entire left side of the back into my shoulder and neck. It also makes the skin feel as though it has been burnt and starts stinging plus it can also set of my attacks when it is really bad. I thought it was ban enough suffering from CH let alone have this other problem to contend with. Its driving me crazy at the moment.

I am also still waiting for my appointment to have an endoscopy to see why food and liquid is trapping all the time when i eat and drink and almost chokes me before finally passing through what ever blockage is there. It can be scary at times as you feel as though you can’t breathe and that something is stuck in you throat. I am grateful that the last few weeks it hasn’t been playing up as much as it normally does so l4ets hope what ever is causing it is slowly on the mend but i doubt it as my luck with my health isn’t that good.

Talking about luck i still can’t believe that i wont the online Korum competition and now own some amazing professional fishing equipment. When the prize arrived it came in 3 massive boxes and i was amazed at the amount of gear that was there. I couldn’t believe my luck and still can’t and now i can’t wait until i go fishing again. So i really need to get myself fit so that i can get out on the bank.

Martyn's Prize from Korum