Monday, 29 September 2014

Hopefully on the road to recovery for five minuets..

After all the experiments i have been dong in order to try and find out what has been causing the allergic reaction i have been getting i have found something new that could be causing the problems. I had decided to stop my pregabilin tables to see if i was those that were causing all the problems. I had mu suspicions a while back as i started to build up a lot of wind and swelling below the chest when i started the medication and pout it done to one of the side effects and hoped that it could get better over time but this never happened. It is also about the same time i started to get all the bowel problems and constant constipation that became so bad i ended up being treated for faecal impaction and was even rushed into hospital or an enema which i can assure you is one of the most embarrassing things a person can go through.

Due my to my suspicions and tests with all other types of foods and drinks i found that after stopping the pregabilin completely the effects of an allergic reaction has seemed to reduce and it and is almost completely gone. I am still getting it every now and again and i still become a little sore during the day but i think that the poison coming out of my system, so to speak. I know it will probably take a while for it to clear my system and could take up to 2 weeks before the drug flushes out of my body but at least it isn’t getting any worst. I still get problems when taking my injection as it seems to make what ever is causing the problem a lot worst. I don’t know whether it is because it thins the blood and spreads the drug around the body faster making me suffer a lot more than usual but at least these last couple of weeks i have been attack free and when they do try and play up i find that if i relax enough and keep my mind off the beast i am able to stop the attacks from building to a level that i just can’t cope with.

It’s amazing how much i have learnt about different medications and the effects that it has on my body and also about the medication and drugs themselves. If you saw my shelves where i keep all my medication in one place so i am able to find what i need quickly you would swear i had turned into a pharmacy. Understanding the drugs and what they do to you and the possible side effects can help you when you need treatment as you know what to look out for in case of a problem and if something isn’t right you are able to spot it a lot quicker than any doctor could. Over the last few years i have been through so much and had so many problems i could probably write and encyclopaedia with regards to the condition CH and the side effects of the different medications. I am grateful that the beast hasn’t been playing up no where near as bad as it used to and i am hoping this is the start of a long break in my pattern or cycle. It has been known that the condition can go into remission for a while and i could end up having a year or 2 break from all the pains so its now time to concentrate on my normal health and start to get myself fit again.

I am still waiting for the endoscopy to see why i keep getting food and liquid trapped when i eat or drink and it becomes very difficult to swallow as if i am chocking and then suddenly pops as it passes through to the gullet. I was referred back at the start of the year and it has taken almost 12 months since my last contact with them and i am still no closer to getting the procedure. I am also still waiting for the scan on the lump on my lower back so they can see what it is that keeps pressing on nerves on my left side of the body resulting in agonising pain and soreness all the time. As soon as they do the scan they will be able to see what it is and what’s causing it and maybe i will then be able to have it removed with a small procedure and finally will be able to move around a lot more that i can at the moment. I know the hospitals are busy and understaffed but it seems like they give priority to the foreigners rather than the persons that have been born in this country. I don;t really want to sound prejudice but that is the truth of the matter. I met a man who had exactly the same problem as me but not as severe as he was only getting pain once or twice a week where as i get mine every day. He also had a small lump at the side of his left spine that turned out to be a small cyst within a week he was in hospital and by the end of the following week he had the cyst removed and he was back home working again. If it was just because he was polish i don’t know and don’t understand but why is it when i have exactly the same problem i have had to wait almost a year for any treatment. I know it sounds a little racist but it is true and i am slowly getting fed up of being fobbed off when i seriously need the help.

Well on a better note i have been feeling a lot better today and that the allergic reaction i was getting has seemed to calm down for a while. I am hoping i am right when it comes to the cause and that i will now be on the road to recovery, I know it will take some time and a lot of effort on my part to get healthy again but i think with the help of my fishing and my web sites to keep me busy i will soon be back to my old self. For the first time in a long while i have started to feel more positive and hope it continues and that i am not tempting fate. The last time i thought i was getting better i suddenly took a turn for the worst and ended up back in hospital so fingers crossed this won’t happen again.