Monday, 2 March 2015

The pain is really getting to me…

Every morning this last week the weather has started extremely cold and frosty and due to this my head has been playing up worst than ever before.  I can’t remember the last time i had so many attacks during the early hours. Starting at around 3am it all begins and not just one attack. Several attacks one after each other meaning i am unable to use the injections to abort them and have to ride each attack out. This leaves me in agonising pain and even after the attacks have finished i am left with a very painful neck. When i try and turn my head, even a little, the pain shoots down either side of my neck and into my back making every little movement agony and uncomfortable.

It doesn’t help even if i try and keep my head still as it starts to ache and then it can bring on another attack. I have tried everything i can to avoid an attack building but nothing helps. I take pain killers to try and ease the aches and pain but they just don’t seem to work. I am keeping my flat lovely and warm but even that doesn’t have an effect and the attacks keep on appearing i really don’t know how much more of this i can take. The sweat keeps on pouring off me and although i am warm i end up getting cold shivers. Its really starting to drive me mad.

I have experienced many types of different CH attacks and they have been brought on by so many different things i can’t tell exactly what sets them off apart from the cold is my main trigger. I also think it has something to do with the weather as when there is a low pressure system moving over us the attacks become worst and i always end up in pain. No matter how many attacks i have i just can’t get used to them or seem to control them and i am sure they are getting worst even though i am having less during a 24 hour period. I am praying that as the season begins to warm up the attacks will begin to ease again.

I am also still getting big problems with my bowels and my hiatus hernia seems to be playing up all the time. Its starting to get to the point where i am scared even to take my medication in case it starts to cause me even more problems. Just when i think i have things under control something else comes along and causes everything to play up. I am trying to stay positive at the moment but it is very hard as the depression is really getting me down. If it continues i am going to have to go back to the doctors and ask for more help once again and see what else they can do. No doubt it will end up being more medication and more side effects to contend with, i just feel i am fighting a loosing battle sometimes.