Yet another day of pain in the back in the region of my kidney. After i had my attack first thing in the morning i decided to try and go back to sleep and unlike many times before where i have struggled to get back to sleep i managed to fall straight to sleep as soon as my head laid down on the pillow again. I then woke up at 8 am thinking i should be ok for the day only to start getting the pains in my back again. I thought i had got over the infection or whatever it was causing it but i was wrong and by yesterday evening i was in agony once again. This time around i am having trouble going to the toilet normally and have had to resort to laxatives so that i can get rid of some of the wind that is building up in my stomach and making me feel like a balloon. I can’t believe i am still suffering from the same infection. Surely after 2 lots of antibiotics and loads of pain killers it should be easing by now but it seems like its getting worst than ever.
I managed to stay in bed all morning this time and wasn’t woken by the beast this morning. It’s nice to actually have a lay in till 8 am and not feel exhausted all the time. I am still getting aches in my back and again in the region of my right kidney. I have tried going to the toilet this morning and am still having problems. So again i have resorted to taking a laxative this morning and hopefully that will help me to pass some of the wind that is making my belly swell up. It is possible all this pain i am getting is due to trapped wind but i can’t see it being that as the pain is slightly different to that when i have wind. Every now and again i will get a stabbing pain where the kidney is located on the right side followed by a feeling of slight pressure and ache. I am also getting pain in the shoulder blade area on the left today but this could be that i have laid awkward in my sleep or have got a chill in the shoulder. I can’t work out what on earth is going on.
I have never been this ill before and all these pains and aches have started appearing from nowhere. i have pain killers and tablets that i can take to ease the pains but its like nothing seems to help no matter what i do. Could it be something in my back that is causing all these pains like a trapped nerve or something wrong with the spine? If that's the case how on earth does that effect your bowls and bowl movement? Its all nothing but guess work at the moment as i am completely lost. I have been over the doctors 3 times now complaining of the same pain and explaining what is going on but its like the doctors are just not listening. I have explained it is in the kidney area but they insist on listening to the lungs every time. I have explained the pain and the constant ache and they have tested my urine for any infection but there is nothing there. they have also listened to my chest and confirmed whatever infection was there is now gone so it can’t be that.
The doctor seemed to think that the pain is due to the muscles hurting and aching after having such a nasty infection and said i could have strained it from having a chest infection from coughing etc. I have tried to explain i didn’t have a chest infection, i didn’t have any problems with my breathing and i certainly didn’t have any cough, mucus or blockage. Why they insist on thinking this way i don’t know but there is definitely something going on. With regards to my attacks, the best is back and i am again getting a couple of attacks per day, every day and now that i have stopped the Verapamil i am just hoping they don’t come back as bad as they were during the winter. The warmer weather should be arriving in the next couple of weeks as we had a nasty cold spell decided to remind us how cold winter can be and it will take a little while before the weather improves enough to have a significant effect on my attacks.
All i know is i am getting some strong pains in the back and kidney area on the right, no matter what pain killers i take it doesn’t help. I have a problem going to the toilet and passing wind but apart from that i don't have any other signs to say there is something wrong with my health. I am starting to believe i am turning into a hypochondriac or similar and imagining these thing. That's one painful imagination i have suddenly acquired and just wish it would go away. Its hard enough trying to deal having attacks all the time with out having to worry about something else going on. I am at the hospital on Tuesday for my x-ray on the lung so hopefully that will shed some light on the matter but if this is not gone within the next week i will have to go and see a different doctor as the ones that i am seeing are useless and don’t seem to listen to what i am telling them. Its not the first time the doctor has ignored what she was being told as she did it with my mother who then went on to find out she had cancer in the kidney and is now waiting an operation to have the kidney removed. lets just hope mine is something to do with the muscles and the back and nothing else.