Friday, 29 March 2013

The 3 am Beast attacks again!

Another early wake up call from the beast this morning at 3 am. Again i could not get back to sleep no matter how hard i tried so have been up all morning just sat watching TV and wondering why i am still getting aching on the back. I should be satisfied with the check up from the doctor but for some reason i have lost all faith in my surgery and can’t seem to accept that it could only be some muscle pain. It just seems too deep to be the muscles and the way the pain disappears for a while and then comes back and you could be sat perfectly still and it will appear yet other times it comes when you move. I am not convinced but only time will tell.

To put my mind at ease the doctor has arranged for me to go up to heath hospital on Tuesday 2nd April at 4 pm to have an X-Ray done of the chest and the lung to make sure everything is fine and if there is any sign of residual infection. I am glad the doctor has done this as it will ease my my mind and i will have to accept the diagnosis. I am also thinking it could all be something to do with the back and spine. I am sure something is going on that is causing the pain or muscles to tense up and contract witch in turn makes them painful.

When i sit up straight with no support i can feel my side muscles pull tight holding me up straight whilst the back muscles ache. if i lay back or sit back to give that support to the back then the ache stops and the muscles relax. It could be the same nerve and muscle in the back that is setting off my head attacks all the time and making my CH condition a lot worst than it should be. Its all strange and guess work as i just don’t know what is going on. I have stopped the Verapamil until a time i feel better to try again or when i speak to the specialist what ever comes first. Its a shame really as the tablets really did keep the attacks at bay and i was getting way less attacks than i normally get.

I just can’t understand how an infection in the lung or Pneumonia can be so bad and not effect your breathing in any way like a cough or flemy chest or husky breathing. I could breath normal and deeply. The only effect it had was my chest become very tight like someone was tightening a band around it and it stopped my breathing at one point where it was so tight. It was when i stopped the verapamil i started to get better immediately so haven’t touched them since. As soon as i feel well again i will give them another go and that way i can see if it was the medication that made me ill or just the infection and bad timing. I could have had and allergic reaction to something that is in the tablet so its always best to be safe than sorry.