Friday, 15 March 2013

More aches and pains! I give in!

Another wake up call from the beast this morning. Not as painful as the previous mornings but still enough to keep me awake from 4 am and is still causing my neck and back to hurt even though the attack finished hours ago. I have a strong feeling of pressure on the left hand side of the head as i used to have when the attacks were really bad all the time. I am assuming this is the shadow that people with my condition talks about.  A feeling of pressure that can sometimes turn painful and always ends up in me having a big attack at the end of the day if i am lucky as normally it is usually half way through my day and suddenly i get struck down.

I still have the feeling of pressure and aches on my side/back that i thought was an infection but after a week of antibiotics i still have the same feeling. The day before yesterday it started to ease off and looked as if it was going away but then yesterday was a day of pain and agony as it just wouldn’t stop playing up and causing me sharp pains shooting into my side like i had ben stabbed. Now this morning they have eased away again. I do have a feeling of pressure still there and every now and again it lets me know there is something there but apart from that its not bothering me as much as it did yesterday.

I promised i would go to the end of the week and see if it was still troubling me and then i will have to re arrange another appointment with my doctor. As it isn’t giving me as much pain as i was expecting i am sure i can go the weekend with out having to many problems and can then ring first thing Monday morning to get an emergency appointment. I don’t want to be wasting doctors time if it is only a muscle or nerve that has been irritated because of my condition and there is not a lot they can do but at the same time i don’t want to risk something else being the cause and because i didn’t see to it soon enough i end up with problems.

You know reading back over what i have typed is shocking! Its times like this i feel what’s the point anymore it feels like i am falling apart at the seems. If its not one problem another comes along to take its place. Sometime i just feel like i have had enough. Always worrying about my health and having attacks all the time is turning me into a wreck. All i want is one or two weeks with no problems at all. No pain, No aches and certainly no attacks. I am so hoping that it will soon be the case and with the correct medication i will be able to keep them away permanently. Come on weather warm back up again!