Monday, 21 July 2014

More and More pain every day and still no help!

Yet again i have been woken in the early hours, not by the beast but by the pain in my back and neck actually setting off the beastly attacks. I don’t know how much more of this i can take. Every day is constant agony for me and still we haven’t a clue what is going on and i am still waiting for appointments and procedures. It’s crazy that someone should be left in so much pain and told to take pain killers rather than get the treatment they urgently need. I can understand that it isn’t life or death situation at the moment but i don’t want it to get to that stage.

It’s bad enough feeling like your are about to have a heart attack 3 or 4 times a day and every time you try and go to the shop or do some work around the flat it just drains your energy and wipes you out leaving you strength-less and breathless. No matter how hard i try my energy just disappears so quickly its very scary and worrying. It’s bad enough when you have to contend with a couple of attacks during the day but to have constant pain up the left side of your back and down the left leg and arm. Pain so strong it feels as though all your muscles on the left side is cramping up. The pain down the back is so sharp it feels like someone is cutting your back open with a sharp knife and brings water to your eyes constantly.

Can the body take so much punishment? I just haven’t a clue as to how much pain the human body can take. I know that when i have really bad attacks i can sometimes pass out due to the level of the pain but it is never for more than a few seconds resulting in your head throbbing violently when you wake up again. I am praying that the pain in the back doesn’t become so bad that it starts to make me loose consciousness and i am also praying that the pains i keep getting across my chest on the left side is being caused by the back and the nerve and not something else as i don’t think i could cope with having yet another condition added to my already fast growing list.

Why the doctors and hospital have left me like this i really don’t know but one thing is for sure i will be complaining about the treatment i received at the hospital the last time i was taken in for a blood test to check the heart. To be told to go home and take pain killers is not a professional answer to your problems as taking the kind of pain killers you need to deal with the nerve pain in the back will just make you feel worst and sick all the time. Not only does it make you feel ill but if you take for more than 3 days you can start to build an addiction to the pain killers resulting in your body having to go through withdrawals also. I am really lost as to what to do as it is the last day i can take pain killers today so from tomorrow onwards i have to put up with the pain with no relief at all and i still have 2 weeks to go before i see the doctor again.