Thursday, 31 July 2014

So much pain at times you pray for death….

Suddenly you awaken from a deep sleep, the left eye begins to water as if someone has switched on a tap and then you suddenly break out into a sweat all over the body. The eye starts to close and your vision becomes blurred, suddenly you feel a sharp pain behind the eye and on the top of your jaw and at that moment you realise you are no longer asleep and dreaming. You are wide awake and don’t even feel tired. The pain then suddenly shoots over the top of the head following the scar on the left side of the skull. The pain then enters the neck and you realise that you are having a full attack. All this happens in seconds but when the pain starts it feels as though it will last a life time. All you can do is hold the side of your face as you try and move around praying for the pain to stop. It’s so bad all you want to do is scream but hold it in as it is still early hours of the morning.

It’s at this point you make your way into the living room and decide to take your injection and pray to god for it to work and abort the attack but the pain is so strong you feel like nothing on earth could stop it. Ten minuets later and you are still wriggling on the floor wanting to smash your head on the ground in hope that you will crack open the head and release the demon that is inside. The pain continues to shoot over the top of the head and into the neck making you feel as though you have something stuck inside your neck in between the bones. The pain then starts to spread down the left side of the back and under your shoulder blade, So sharp it actually feels like someone has cut open your back with a blade. What seems like hours is in reality only 15 minuets that has passed and then suddenly the pain stops as fast as it started and you breathe a sigh of relief.

No matter how many times i go through the attacks it never seems to get any easier even though you know what to expect. The level of pain is so strong you feel as though you are going to pass out or worst. There are times you feel as though you are on the edge of death and can even sometimes welcome death as it means the pain will be no more. I have had to put up with these attacks for years and they never get any easier. I know what level of pain i will get just by the way the attack starts and there are times where eve the injection has no effect on the attack and you end up having to ride the pain for over an hour. I really wish there was something they can do other than take strong medication all the time that also causes you problems and side effects making you feel even worst than you do when having attacks all the time.

Yet another early morning wake up call to add to the diary and another day of aches and pains to endure. This condition is probably the worst i have ever known or read about and it just seems crazy that there is no cure for it. Slowly they are educating people about the existence of the condition and the effect that it has on the sufferers but i can’t see them coming up with a cure any time soon. not in my life time. It doesn’t help that i have this lump in my back that is obviously pressing on nerves in the back just left to the spine as i can feel it from the bottom of the back right up to the base of the neck. This can also sometimes set off my attacks and make every thing worst as when you try and move about it becomes a sharp stinging pain and even when you take your injection and medication this pain always remains and doesn’t get any easier.