Sunday, 25 November 2012

More attacks in one day than an entire month!

I am feeling a little lethargic today. Yesterday i must have had more attacks in one day than i have had in an entire month. My head would not stop hurting. After every attack my neck would continue experiencing pain and i would get this shooting pain up through the back into the neck and straight over the top of the head and ended behind my eye. The pain wouldn’t just shoot upwards it would travel both ways, to my eye and from behind my eye over the top of the head. Every time i moved i would either irritate the neck or my back and would end up in pain so i tried to stay as still as i could laying on the couch most of the day. Each time an attack would build i would get very strong shadows just before (pressure feeling) on the left side of my head usually at the top but also had it on the side on a couple of occasions last night.

Also due to the fact i am only allowed 2 injections to try and abort the attacks, yesterday turned into one of the most painful days of my life. I am taking things easy and very slowly today. I am trying not to move around too quickly and end up having more attacks. The attacks stopped around 4am this morning so i am hoping its the end of them for a while. My body feels like i have been run over by a bus. My back is hurting so much even typing on the keyboard feels painful as i have to lift my arms in order to type. My legs feel like they have turned to lead over night and my neck feels like there is a small ball stuck inside just under the base of the neck and it keeps causing very sharp pains shooting down my spine. I had a small attack around 7 am, but nothing that i would compare to last night.

I have been watching the weather closely as i know my attacks have something to do with it getting very cold and low pressure systems over the UK. These extreme weather conditions seem to effect the amount of attacks i have or how severe they can become. This makes me feel that it has something to do with pressure on the head. With the swelling around my scar as another indication of pressure as when i get the worst attacks, the swelling seems to become more prominent and you can feel it along the side of my head and feel where it goes into the head at the base of the neck.

I am just praying at the moment that i can keep the attacks from coming back today as i don't want a repeat of yesterdays attacks as i don’t think my body could take it again. I am still exhausted from all the attacks yesterday and i need more sleep as i didn't get much due to the attacks and the worry of them happening again. I tried to eat yesterday but with the amount of pain i kept on being sick and bringing up what i had just eaten so i gave up in the end. I tried a little soup late last night and that stayed down so lets hope i can eat something today. I am just getting over a nasty cold as well so i am wondering if that hasn’t made my condition worst as well. Maybe it is a mixture of a couple of things and that is why i am feeling so low, so run down and tired and the attacks are worst than ever. Some things has caused them to be more aggressive than normal, if there IS anyway of them being any more painful than they already are.