Saturday, 6 October 2012

Fed up with “Early Morning” wake up!

AARRRRGGGGG! i am so fed up with these early morning attacks! Again up at 3am this morning with a painful attack on the left side of my face. Burst into sweats again, like pouring water running of me. Pain from the back of my neck, over the top of the head through the back of my eye and down into the top of my jaw on the left.

You could mistake it for nerve pain from a tooth its that sharp a pain, but i have had all my teeth, apart from 3 on the bottom, removed in an operation at the Hospital. They originally thought the same about the pain i was getting and rushed me in and pulled them all out only to find out it had nothing to do with the teeth.

They then though i must have an infection, in the bone. Now i don't know how you get an infection “inside” the bone, but apparently you can! They took a small sample, that they cut away from my upper jaw, to test only to find out there was nothing wrong. The operation i had regarding my teeth was the worst i have ever experienced and has put me off operations for life.

I remember waking up in so much pain, and all i could do was spit clumps of blood from my mouth, i couldn’t talk and was in absolute agony, pain very close to the level i get with the attacks. I remember pleading with the nurses for help as i couldn’t even swill my mouth out properly, at the time, there was so much bleeding from the damage done by the operation. I never want to experience anything like that ever again!

There are so many incidents that have happened to me over the past 10-12 years that are only starting to make sense. As each day passes i deal with the beast, and try to control the pain it brings, more and more becomes clear. Every thing has started making so much sense.

Anyway its back on the oxygen for now as i have fishing later today and i have been really looking forward to it. So time to drug myself up and relax. Try and make the beast sleep for a while so i can enjoy my day.