Monday, 3 December 2012

Another annoying early morning…..

This is becoming very repetitive and annoying with yet another wake up call at 4am this morning. I didn’t have a full blown attack it was more like a strong version of the shadow with pain on the same level as tooth ache so it became very annoying after an hour of so. It surely is the cold that is setting them off as it always seems to be when it is at its coldest (early morning) i get the build up and attacks. Now that i have turned to heating back on and the flat has warmed up the shadow feels like it is easing away and the pain has stopped.

The lack of sleep with the last few days being so bad has started to catch up with me as i remember laying down on my bed to close my eyes for 5 minuets and then waking up early hours with my bad head. i must have fallen straight to sleep. Makes a change for me as normally it takes ages for me to drop off. Well at least i got a fair few hours of sleep before i got disturbed again. I have to go up the chemist this morning to see if they have got my injections in. I have now run out so if i do get any massive attacks i am on my own. all i have is the oxygen that is also almost empty and i am waiting for a delivery of that as well. I am prying the injections are there, the last time they were delayed, as the manufacturer didn’t have them in stock, i ended up going 2 weeks with nothing and i had loads of attacks during that period and it was probably the worst experience i have had with the attacks and i don’t want to repeat it not for any reason.

I have my doctors appointment made for Thursday so i am going to talk to the doctor about having an emergency script kept at the chemist for me just in case this ever happens again. i also want to talk about getting some milk shakes or something to help with my appetite as ever since i started this medication i haven’t been eating as good as i should and even go days with no food only drinks. the last time i had the milk shakes i put on loads of weight and was looking very healthy but i have noticed just lately my ribs are starting to show again and i have also noticed food is lasting me ages and when i do actually eat i only pick and end up throwing the rest away witch in my book is criminal as there is enough starvation in the world just to be wasting food.