Sunday, 16 December 2012

Fingers crossed for more pain free days.

Another 3am wake up call this time not caused by the attacks but by the strong shadow i get when the attacks are building, Like a feeling of pressure being placed on the left hand side of the face and head. Its a feeling like someone has placed something heavy on the left side of your face and is constantly pushing down on your head. I think this is caused by the swelling that appears along the site of my scar on the left hand side. Normally i only get the strong shadows when i have had some bad attacks before hand but for some strange reason it has come before the attacks this time.

At least i wasn’t woken with a huge attacks and total agony like i normally am. the only trouble when the shadows are this strong is that there is no way on earth i can get back to sleep now. I will have to wait until i get a massive attack before this pressure feeling will ease off and i will be able to rest again. Its times like this when i get so annoyed with my illness and condition. All i want is to be able to rest and get a full nights sleep but just lately i haven’t been able to and i am getting more and more tired as days go by.

If its not the cold setting off the attacks then its the pressure on the side of my head. If that's not bad enough even laying in bed, if i turn and lay slightly awkward it causes the neck to start aching and that in turn will also set of the big attacks. I can’t win! There are so many different triggers for my condition it is ridiculous. Even down to things that i sometimes eat, I have had ice cream set off bad attacks i have had chocolate set off attacks and even drinking coke-a-cola can set off attacks. If i am too cold or too hot i can set of an attack. If i strain myself on the left hand side by lifting too much weight like shopping in one hand i can set off attacks. Even down to walking for too long and causing pain in my back will also set of attacks when i don't want them. No matter what i try and do to control them i always seem to find a way of setting off the attacks.

The weather has finally warmed up slightly from the freezing weather we have been having for the past few weeks and i have to say i am so glad as the amount of attacks has now reduced dramatically. I am still getting attacks but no where near as painful as they were when we had the freezing weather. I am hoping it stays like this for Christmas and i won’t be so bad, that way i will be able to enjoy the couple of days celebration with out having to lock myself away in my flat like i normally do when things are bad and the attacks wont stop.