Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Another Day of Pain..

Yet again i have woken up at 2am, 3am then finally at 4am and just had to get up as the pain was too much.Crying face

Getting to grips with this CH is a lot harder than i thought. Every time i have an attack i can take an injection to stop it, however! I can ONLY have two (2) injections in a day as they pose a high risk of heart attack. But the trouble is when you get up to 8 or 10 attacks a day, when do you use your injection?

I tend to use mine first thing in the morning when i wake up so at least if its a painful day i cant at least start it pain free. Then i try and keep my second injection till late at night or as late as i can. At least i can get a couple of hours sleep before they start again.

I have to ring the hospital today to confirm the appointment date for my next check-up and i think i should ring the doctor and make another appointment with her as the pain is getting a bit much. Mind you she seems to only believe half the story, there is something that when ever i have an appointment i cant quite put my finger on it. It like she don't believe someone can be in that much pain all the time. I wish i was fibbing GRRRRRR Angry smile gets me annoyed sometimes lol.