Monday, 24 September 2012

Winter is on its way…

I was lucky as i didn't have any more big attacks yesterday, i had a couple of smaller ones but no where near as bad as they normally are, i would have rated them on a level 4 on the pain scale of 1 to 10.

Again its the morning ones that are worst than the others. early morning wake up calls seem to be the norm now days as i was woken up again this morning at 3am with an attack, and this time it was a massive one!

Suddenly woke up not feeling tired, was wide awake and that is just not normal for me fist thing in the morning. “Why was i awake so early?”, i thought. Then came the sharp pain behind the eye and over the top of the head. So i jumped out of bed and sat in the living room waiting for the pain to increase to a level where i cant take it no more. I took my tablets and sat breathing in the oxygen hoping that would be enough to abort the attack again but i wasn’t so lucky this time. The attack just seemed to get stronger and stronger, so i gave in and grabbed my first injection of the day.

I really don't like taking these injections but i know they are a must if i am to control this beast. I took it hoping it would stop the attack quickly like it normally does but this time i was too late taking it. The injection just didn't seem to touch the pain this time and it continued to grow in strength. Pacing up and down the room, crying out in agony and pain. How i didn't wake the rest of the flats i don't know as i was surely load enough to wake the dead.

An hour had passed and the pain was still with me, massaging my head vigorously seems to help when the pain is this strong, it helps me concentrate on my breathing too. It is very hard to think positively when you are in so much pain, i know the attack isn’t going to kill me but when you are at that level of pain it sure feels like it is trying. Then, yet again, the pain just disappeared as fast as it came.

After the attack my neck felt like it had been crushed and ever time i moved my head i could feel a grinding sensation that i think is the bones rubbing together. Also i keep getting sharp pains in the back. These pains are slightly different from the head pain as they only appear when i have had the big attacks and when i try and walk its like i have aged 50 years over night. I try to walk and all i get is shooting pains up the front of the legs (not the back where i would think muscle pain would come from) and into the bottom of my spine. I can only assume at the moment that these pains are caused by a nerve swelling up or trapping after an attack. It makes moving around very difficult and painful, and these pains normally last a few hours after the initial attack. They have al;so been known to set off secondary attacks straight after the main one, so i am very careful not to let that happen as i don't think i could cope with attacks straight after each other. At least i get a few hours break in between them at the moment, imagine if they was every hour or so, my god i just couldn’t cope!

Well its looks horrible and grey out there today so i have to wrap up this morning as the cold damp air normally triggers an attack and with the winter slowly drawing in i know i am in for an interesting season! I know how much the pain and the attacks increase during the winter months so i have to prepare now, woolly hats and wrap around scarfs are the order of the day when the winter months arrive ……..