Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Pain, Pain go away….


Another painful night of being woken up every other hour or so. Its strange how most of the more painful attacks happen late in the evening or during the night, i assume it is due to a drop in temperature and pressure but i could be wrong!

Yesterday was a very strange day as i experienced pain like no other after i had a very bad attack that lasted for just over an hour. After the pain had gone i decided to walk up to get my medication from the chemist that is only at the top of my road. Walking was like being put through extreme torture, as i walked it was like there was razor blades on  the ground and i was stepping on every single one of them. The pain seemed to travel up my spine and into the neck. each step i took felt like i had weights attached to my feet and was very heavy when i picked my legs up.

I can only assume what had caused this as it didn’t continue. When i got home and rested for a while it just disappeared with out a trace and my walking went back to normal. I think i must have either trapped a nerve or bruised something in my neck when i was massaging it during the bad attack. The neck did stay sore for the rest of the day and only started to feel better this morning when i woke up.

Could it be due to the weather going to be nice again today? or am i in for a day of pain again? We’ll have to wait and see how the day pans out…..