Well last night was a very long night! Attack after attack and no end of pain in site i thought i was dying ( a bit dramatic i know but that's what it feels like). On and off i think i must have managed about 2 hours sleep maximum. Every time i settled and started drifting off to sleep another attack would start to build and wake me up. I forgot how many times i started shouting at myself in anger and frustration.
As of 7am this morning the pain decided to ease off and give me a break (at last). I feel absolutely exhausted due to lack of sleep so i think i may spend the day trying to catch up, the trouble is it looks like its going to be another sunny day and if i get a PF day as well, i will end up just wasting the day away and i don't want that. I try and make the most of my good days and have to stop shutting myself away like this. I have decided to take up “Fishing” again, i used to enjoy course fishing when i was younger, and if i do say so my self i wasn't too bad at it either.
So at the end of the month i will stock up on some fishing tackle and get out there and start up my hobbies again. I suppose, as long as i take my injections with me and i go with another member of family i will be ok. I do have to look into a portable version of the Oxygen bottle, a smaller portable version so when i do go out on day trips i have something i can take with me for emergencies.
Well that's all for this morning as its time to take my tablets, lets hope the rest of the day is as good as the start!