Thursday, 6 September 2012

At Last a bit of a Good Day!

Well a shaky start in the morning has turned out to be a good day after all. The pain has eased away and no shadow at the moment Fingers crossed

I have been pain free for quite a few hours now and hopefully will be pain free for a while. I hope they have stopped for a couple of days but it is so hard to tell. Due to the fact that they can come back at any time and when they do they don't always give you that feeling of pressure building that warns you they are on the way. Some times it just starts from no where and within seconds you can be in so much pain you just cant believe how fast it can come on. That is one of the reasons i think pain killers are just no good as none of them seem to work fast enough or are strong enough to cope.

Well lets hope the day continues like this. When i have my good days i try and get as much done as i can, catch up with shopping, bills and chase up things that you have had to put off because you are locked away because of the pain.

Something else that i have noticed about the attacks is that if you exhaust yourself or put a lot of strain on the muscles in the neck or left arm it will aggravate the condition and bring on an attack. So its important not to be stupid and do things that will cause the pain to come back.

Well i have lots to do and its getting late in the afternoon, so fingers crossed my day stays pain and trouble free.

Talk later  Hot smile