With yesterday being a nice and sunny day in Cardiff, and today being the same it looks like the change in weather has given me the break i so needed from the pain. Unfortunately i have still been getting bad attacks during the night and early morning. At first i thought it was the cold, by leaving the small window open i thought i must have been getting a draft or something that was irritating the head. I then found myself laying on my left hand side and the pain started to build. It started me to question whether this is what is waking me up.
I took an old quilt and rolled it into a long sausage, laid it down the left hand side of me so i could roll over onto my back but not completely over so i was laying on my left side, I then went back to sleep. Low and behold i managed to sleep right through until 6am this morning and then had my first attack. I am not sure if its the only reason i am getting attacks during the night but it must be causing something, i know the morning ones are caused by the drop in temperature as i can feel the chill on the top of my head.
But laying on my left side definitely sets of an attack after about 20 to 30 minuets. It will be interesting to see if it still happens when i am having a really bad bout of attacks, it is something i will have to point out to the doctors and specialists.
Its mad! Its not until you have a problem you start noticing little things that are going on, such as a feeling you get just before the attacks come on and now the fact if i lay on my side the attacks will start. I wonder what else i will discover on this journey lol.
Well its time to start the day, get some breakfast inside me while i am feeling good.
Normally i eat very little as the pain seems to take away your appetite. But trust me i make up for it when i am well.