The pain in the neck continued to annoy me and set off loads of attacks. It feels like there is a golf ball stuck in the back of my neck. You can actually feel the nerves and muscles swollen when you have an attack. Every time you move your head you get a grinding sensation in the neck followed by sharp pain. I am sure what ever is causing me to have so many attacks is also responsible for the swelling and the pain that appears in the neck.
Not always do you get the neck pain when the attacks come but it seems like most of the time it is what causes the pain in the head to start, or irritates it after the attack giving you a secondary attack and problem. I could be wrong as i am still getting swelling on the scar at the top of the head where it was cracked open in Cyprus. The swelling seems to get larger when ever we have bad weather or a low pressure area. I am now convinced the weather is one of the main triggers when it comes to suffering CH.
Again this morning i was woken up by shooting pain behind they eye, jumped out of bed, rushed into the living room straight on the oxygen trying to cope with the pain. The weather forecast for today isn’t as nice as it has been, with a cloudy day and rain in the forecast i am sure i will get a few more attacks today so i am trying not to use my injections unless i really have to. I understand why i can only have 2 in a day as there is a big risk, with these injections, of having a heart attack if you take too many or even if you become reliant on them they can make the attacks become more frequent and i definitely don't want that.
So for now all i can do is take a few pain killers, make sure i use my oxygen correctly and just ride out the pain when it comes. I can’t wait for the hospital appointment, i am hoping they will have some new ideas on dealing with these attacks on a daily basis. So for now fingers crossed, lets hope its not as bad as it was yesterday!