Sunday, 30 September 2012

Paying the Price for a Terrific Day.

What a GREAT day i had yesterday. Completely pain free and totally relaxed.

Being shut away in the flat all the time was really getting to me, it was making my depression worst for sure. Not being able to go anywhere because i was having these attacks all the time has changed my social life forever, or so i thought!

After deciding to take up my hobby of Fishing again and to take it serious has been the best decision i have made to date. It also helps that my Mother and Step-farther are both into fishing as well as my brother so it is in the family blood so to say, and yesterday was one of the most enjoyable days i have had for a while.

OK, the fishing wasn’t great, the lake that we went to has just got over a poisoning problem and had to have their fish replaced. It also seems like the lake is over fished and over fed so when it comes to the sport, the fish are what we call shy feeders and takes a lot of work to catch them. We didn't do to badly though as i managed a couple of nice Bream and loads of skimmers that kept falling off every time i brought them to the edge of the bank (really annoying) and my mother managed a few different types including Roach and Brian even managed to get himself a nice little Perch. All in all the day was a success and  with the nice warm sun on your back all the time gave a real healing feeling.

I have to say i relaxed more yesterday than any other day in my life. I really do enjoy fishing and for some reason i find it so relaxing and therapeutic, i wish i could go fishing every day but unfortunately i am now paying for yesterday. Woke up this morning ok, i wasn't woken during the night like normal as i slept like a baby after yesterdays sport. Then suddenly this morning i felt sharp pain deep inside my neck and that started a run of what i can only describe as the strongest attacks i have ever had. If i didn't know what was wrong with me for sure i would be up the hospital rite now.

So far this morning i have counted 8 big attacks, they are not lasting as long as they normally do but the pain level is way above what i am used to. I couldn’t take no more so gave in and have had one of my injections and that has seemed to have done the trick so lets hope that keeps them off for a while.

Anyway fingers crossed as its my hospital appointment tomorrow and i cant wait to see the specialist and explain everything that has been going on. I have to admit this illness is one hell of a problem to deal with and one of the worst to learn to live with. I thought Bi Polar disorder was bad enough until i was diagnosed with CH.

My heart goes out to all the sufferers of CH and their Carers, they are the ones who have to really put up with the torment of the illness and how they do it i don't know, but they are stars. I will keep you up to date as to what the hospital says so for now its time to get some oxy inside me….