First its the heavy feeling on the side of the face, then you suddenly move your head to look at something and get a sharp shooting pain from the front of your head shoot through your eye to the back of your head. Then the pain builds, gets stronger and stronger its changes from sharp to hot, like your face is on fire burning and then becomes sharp again as it becomes even more painful. You start banging your head with your hand , rubbing the left hand side vigorously trying to cope with the pain.
Your breathing becomes erratic because you are in so much pain so you try to concentrate on that instead of the pain but its impossible, the pain then gets even stronger ( and you think at that point you want to die) you cant believe that this level of pain exists in life, how the body can cope with so much its unbelievable, you are praying to god for it to stop even though i am not really religious, at times like this i pray there is a god to help me through it.
You then realise its only been 10 minuets and you have ages to go, the pain gets so bad you cant even walk , you cant see out of your eye as it is swollen shut or its pouring with water. You try to catch a breath but the pain just feels like it is getting stronger and stronger, you are passing up and down, shouting out in anger and in pain, screaming for relief. There is no way you can stay still when you get this level of pain, trust me i have tried.
The pain gets to such a level either 2 things seem to happen to me, either it peaks after about an hour and then suddenly disappears just as fast as it came or i seem to pass out when it gets to certain level as if the body cant take any more and shuts down. Its not for long and i get this horrible ringing in my ears after it but i know its for a few seconds, and then it disappears. Really strange how fast it starts and how fast it goes.
Now the attack is over, i get a horrible feeling on the left hand side of the face, a slight numbness and ache after all the pain. I get little shooting pains down my back for hours after and in my neck, oh my god it feels like it is full of grit, grinds and hurts like hell afterwards. This is the point where i can get secondary attacks as the neck pain seems to irritate my head but if i can cope and not stress about the neck it will just go away.
There only seems to be 2 things i have found as triggers that will set my head off and that's extreme cold like snowing or blowing a icy wind on the face seem to irritate it so i tend to hide from bad weather and the rainy days, when low pressure or a change in the weather seems also to set it off. Other wise it will just come when it feels like it with no warning.
I don't just get the big attacks i also get a number of small ones that to me feel like tooth ache and i can put up with them ( i am so used to the pain now after all these years) but to others would probably be eye watering pain. The small attacks i can deal with and pain killers can sometimes help but when the big ones come and i get at least 1 a day at the moment but sometimes as many as 8 in one day of the big attacks, nothing seems to stop them.
I have to stop because it is starting again so i need to get my injection, this is what i have to go through each time the attack comes … please god help me