Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Hot or Cold….

God i hate it when i am rite. All day yesterday i experienced different attacks ranging from small ones that lasted 5-10 minuets and massive ones that lasted over an hour. I hate it when the weather is bad like it was yesterday, the pain just wouldn't go away no matter how much i relaxed or tried to concentrate on something else.

One attack was so severe, i ended up holding my head next to the electric fire so that the heat level matched the level of pain i was getting. This started to ease the pain, and i found that as i slowly moved away from the fire reducing the level of heat, then the pain level would also reduce at the same time. I have tried this before and it worked well in getting rid off or controlling the pain levels. I do wonder if i am causing any further troubles as when i did this little exercise my face became a lot more swollen than usual.

I have heard of “ICE” being used to treat CH, and it has had a good success rate but not everyone finds that the ice treatment helps. This is now about the 10th time i have tried to use heat to treat my attacks and it is the 3rd time it has been successful at doing just that. Most of the time if i use the heat treatment it is just to control the pain as i found it didn't normally abort the attack, but yesterday was different and it actually stopped the attack in its tracks. Mind you it did take about 30 minuets to do it so i could be wrong and the attack decided to stop on its own but i don't think that is what happened. I am wondering where all the swelling on the face is coming from, is it a nerve swelling up or a muscle when in pain. As to the exact cause i can only speculate but i definitely saw a difference after i used the heat treatment. I know ICE can be good for bringing out bruising and to make swelling go down but i thought that was also the case with heat in certain circumstances, or is it just a wives tale? because when i use the heat the swelling seems to be worst.

Well again its 10 to 6 in the morning and i was woken up with my head deciding it wanted to give me a nice early morning again, swollen eye and runny nose is the order of the day so i can expect a few large attacks today. I don't have the shadow at the moment, all i am getting is a little shooting pain behind the eye this morning, feels like i got something in my eye socket and its scratching the back of my eyeball. I know through experience though, this is just the start of some very painful attacks so i best keep my injections close at hand.

Well as i said in my earlier blogs i was going to start up my fishing hobby once again and today is the day i go a buy all my equipment. I was surprised to see how much the sport of fishing has grown in the UK and how many people actually now enjoy the sport. There is so much nice equipment on the market it is getting difficult to choose! It never used to be like this when i was young, i remember fishing competitions on the side of the river “Ouze”, just outside Cambridgeshire, and there was a lot less people doing the sport then as compared to now. Well fingers crossed i find the equipment i am looking for and this weekend i should be out there fishing once again!