I was lucky to have a lay in this morning and not get woken by the beast even though it did try and set off an attack when i did wake up but thankfully i was able to ride out the start of it and it decided to stop before it became too unbearable. I had my meeting with the specialist a on Monday and we discussed everything that had been going on with me and the side effects of the medication i was on. He agreed with me that we needed to change the medication quickly as it was causing me too many problems. He has now decided to put me on Topiramate, a licensed drug that is used to help with epileptic fits and also helps to relax the nerves and muscles in the brain. He mentioned that the side effects that may appear are occasional tingling in the hands and feet and possible memory loss. I was also told that i should have someone check up on me as i can also have sudden mood changes and mood swings due to this medication but it may stop my attacks completely. As soon as i can get to a dose where the attacks are being held off i can slowly come off the Pregabilin once and for all.
I am so hoping this new medication will be the one that does the trick and that i don;t get any side effects off it. I am so glad i have finally seen the specialist and will see him again in 4 months as log as they don;t cancel another appointment on me. I informed him about the bowel problems i was having and the problems with food trapping when i eat and he feels the same as the doctor that i may be suffering from some kind on stomach bug so only blood tests will be able to tell us what is going on. Thankfully i am booked in to see the doctor this morning as when i tried to go to the toilet yesterday morning it was difficult as usual and took a bit of straining to get myself t open my bowels and then when it did blood came out. As you can imagine i panicked as soon as i saw the blood but it could just be a pile that has burst from straining too hard. I them tried to go to the toilet this morning and it has turned into runny brown water with a little blood still in it.
I am praying to god that it is just the piles as my mother said it could be and not something connected to all the side effect and medication i have been on. The last thing i need now is the medication to have caused damage and give me even more problems than i already have. I am still getting problems with my neck and left shoulder with a pulling sensation down the back and pins and needles plus when i get an attack it spreads down the left side of my back about half way down. I have been assured this is NOT the nerve in my head causing it and is something else that is causing it and could also be aggravating my attacks making them worst than they normally are. Lets hope the doctor will be able to help me today and i can get some answers and put my mind at rest.
First i have my blood tests at 9.15 to 9.30 and then i have an emergency appointment with my doctor at 9.50 so its going to be a busy morning for me and i hope this will finally put me on the road to recovery and getting my health back to normal. When i reported the problems i was having eating and the pains in the chest i was told to stop all my stomach medication so that i cold have these blood tests today but now i can’t eat or drink anything with out it getting trapped right in the centre of my chest and when it does it feels like i am choking or drowning and struggle to get air. Then i can feel it very slowly move down what ever pipe it is in and then suddenly pop as it releases and moves into the stomach. Surely i shouldn’t be able to feel my food and drink like that and it shouldn’t get trapped all the time i know that much so lets hope we will get the answers we are looking for. If it is what the doctor thinks it is then i will have to have strong antibiotics to get rid of the condition. Apparently she believes it is a rare stomach bug that you can get from eating barbecued chicken abroad in the middle east and because i lived in Cyprus for over 10 years i am a prime candidate for the condition. It’s crazy as my mother actually had the same condition when she returned from Cyprus so for me to end up getting it as well, what are the chances of that…..