Sunday, 16 March 2014

Wacky Weekend battling the Beast . …. ..


Thankfully i managed a bit of a lay in before the beast came to visit and it wasn't until 6am i had my first and hopefully last attack today but some how i don’t think that's going to be the case. The strangest thing is that there is no reason for all the attacks and for me to be so bad. I am not going out in the cold and keeping the flat warm so the temperature doesn't drop during the night. It could be the strange weather we are having but normally when we have good weather i get less attacks not more and especially not stronger. I have tried to pin point the exact trigger as to what is causing it and can only think its something to do with my back and spine and something in there, when i move, is aggravating it and causing them to appear.

At least i am no longer getting the attack right up the spine when it comes and is staying up in the head area this time. The other day scared me as the pain was just not stopping and no matter what i tried i couldn't get rid of it. for 3 days i was going through hell and each attack i was having was making the after pain stronger and stronger. I ended up resorting to Solpadine Plus tablets to ease the sharp pain in the spine. All the did was take the edge off the pain and helped me manage it for a couple of days. I couldn't take no longer than 3 days worth anyway as they are very bad drugs to be taking and it tells you on the box with a big warning.

I used to eat these like sweets when i was first back in the UK and didn't know about my condition. I understand now why they never used to work on me and all i was trying to do was medicate the pain instead of stopping the cause. Lets hope these next 3 months fly by so i can see the specialist again and get the next plan of action. So far we are 2 for 2. 2 Failures & and 2 Successes with regards to the medication they have put me on. 2 actually help me and the other 2almost killed me as far as i was concerned. I may be exaggerating a little and would probably just been ill until i came back off the medication but they made me real bad and that's not what i need.


Back to the same routine battling the beast and having to put up with agonising pain for hours on end. I don't know what is setting off the attacks all the time but i know they are stronger than i have ever had before. The pain i am feeling is starting in my back at the base and i can feel is when i move sometimes, it then travels up the back and into the base of my neck. This causes the neck to be in a lot of pain and even massaging it doesn't ease the agony. The pain then builds in the base of the neck until a full attack happens and then it lights up right over the top of the head on the left side of my face and in behind the eye and top jaw. It honestly feels like someone is trying to rip my head open the pain is so bad.

Even after taking the injections the pains seems to be lingering around for a while before it disappears completely. This has never happened before and its worrying that the pain continues even after the attack. When i ride an attack out ad not bother with the injections after an hour or so it usually eases off but this is just staying and the left side of my face is in constant pain. Even when it is bearable and i am able to sit and write this blog it continues to hurt and remind me that i have a problem. he left side of my body feels so sore at the moment i just don’t know what to do. I rest and stay warm but that doesn’t even seem to be enough to keep the beast from attacking.

All i can do for now is pray that this bad period passes quickly and that my MRI scan at the end of the month will give us some answers as to why this is all happening to me. Something has got to show up some where surely. Where is all the pain coming from and why does it keep happening. Simple questions but difficult to answer but if i am to live with this condition for the rest of my life i need some clues as to how i can manage it and what keeps setting the attacks off. If i knew that i could avoid them all together but that's too much to hope for. I am praying the next visit to the specialist and the new medication he will give me will help instead of making me worst as the others medications i have tried so far have all made me feel more ill.